Thursday, November 15, 2007

Britney runs over another paparazzi 's foot

Well duhhh, it's because she wasn't paying attention because of her A.D.D. and then she fell asleep on his foot because of her Narcolepsy and then she took off fast because she needed her Asthma inhaler. Not to mention she might be bruised from all the fat sucking. Poor Britney..get out of her way, y'all!


Anonymous said...

Dang Dishy - Britney even has more ailments than you.

Anonymous said...

stupid fuckers thats what they get for jumping in front of her car like a bunch of retards...she already sucks at driving, then they swarm it?? dumb fucks

Anonymous said...

Ain't no wonder why they get run over! She's got 500 flash bulbs a minute in her face and they're all over her hood, I'd run the bitches over too!

Anonymous said...

It's their own faults, nobody has sued her for running over their foot yet, have they? Because it's their own stupid faults. They deserve it, they actually caused the accident & they should be charged! Not her!

Anonymous said...

She seems to be trying to be very careful & can't avoid this because she can't see whats under her tires! I couldn't live like that with all those people stalking me & always there bothering me my life. It looked actually very scary to me in that parking garage. I would panic.

Anonymous said...

I said it the first time! Its not her fault!

Anonymous said...

When are you little brown-nosed, Britney defenders going to catch a clue that she has profit-sharing PHOTO DEALS in place with half the LA pap agencies.

I have a friend who works at X-17 and both he and his boss have confirmed this --ages ago-- It's undisputed and pretty much common knowledge out here.
So enough already with the whining about the 'swarming paps' ...

"If they don't swarm, momma don't get PAID."

Anonymous said...

like flies to shit...

Anonymous said...

If it were really true that she is medicated for ADD, then her "handlers" would have stated that from the get-go, instead of waffling about meds.
ok, the paps are out of control; I'm surprised more of 'em aren't run over.
But Brit basks in the attention:
Symbiotic relationship, to be sure