Monday, November 26, 2007

Cindy Crawford beach mom

She needs a one piece. Shut up all you Cindy fans..I'll just ignore your comments about how I'm shallow and Cindy's still uber hot. Well, she's not. She's a middle aged beach mom and needs a one piece. The goofy bitch is still trying to sell us her face lift in a jar on that late night informercial and all the testimonials are about how great she looks, but, they only film her with a fucking fog filter because she looks like a charpe in real life. I'm glad she has stretch marks and saggy boobs, no one deserves it more. BUY A ONE PIECE!


Anonymous said...

She looks good in the 2nd pic. But the one of her saggy tummy is not good. I agree, time for the 1 piece. Nothing wrong with it either. She still looks pretty good to me! Nothing a few hundred crunches couldn't fix.

Anonymous said...

Atleast her tummy is only saggy, not 20lbs overweight (ie: Britney, other fatties)

Anonymous said...

DD, I totally agree with you. She would look so much better in a one piece or a 2 piece that covers more.

Anonymous said...

yeah i agree, she's still very beautiful but a one piece would be a good idea...

Anonymous said...

How does skin do that? I know right after a baby sometimes you look soft, but her kids are bigger. She's not that old, 40's? It's weird to me. No tone at all in her tummy. After all those years of 'sucking it in', there's no muscle tone? Bizarre. She still has a waist tho. There IS hope!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God, it's so depressing. Even someone who has as much to work with physically as she has, access to a personal trainer, all the money in the world, all the time in the world, still ends up with that tummy. No one escapes Father Time. It's not that I want to be preserved in aspic or anything, it's just fucking depressing. Sorry, I'm in a mood.


Anonymous said...

N. you said it. Shit if people with all that money and resources and don't even work and can exercise everyday still have the same body problems as the rest of us, forget it, why even try? Let's all eat carbs for dinner and drink lots of booze.

Anonymous said...

Different bikini, different person too?

Doesn't look like her in the first pic.

Anonymous said...

i don't know....another blogger had a bunch of pix that was the same time as the second picture and she didn't look like the first pix in ANY of them....kinda makes me wonder...

Anonymous said...

Not that I particularily think her in a 2 piece is the worst thing lol, but I personally think a 1 piece would make her look better.

I think 1 pieces can be much sexier then 2 pieces.


Anonymous said...

That hideous mole of her's probably need's plucked a few times a month, I dont get why people think thats so sexy yuck! I've never found her very attractive, she's average at best.

Anonymous said...

well hell 6:27 I guess she must be ugly. Because your just the fuckingexpert on beauty. Dumbass! Go eat another ding dong jealous bitch.

Anonymous said...

well hell 6:27

there is no posting from this time dipshit

Anonymous said...

Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

- Daniel