Thursday, November 15, 2007

The homeless aint gettin' no damn turkey

Pammy will be serving a Thanksgiving meal to the homeless at a secret PETA event and it will be vegetarian. Pam is a vegan and has been for years.

Pam: “The holiday season can be especially hard for those who find themselves homeless, and it’s murder on turkeys. With so many healthy and delicious options nowadays, it’s easy to have a holiday meal that gives even turkeys something to be thankful for.”

See? Pammy's really smart and she knows poor homeless people need to eat healthier. Those damn homeless families have been eating too much fast food and prime rib. Pam's teaching them some important lessons....the dummies should know to eat only from Whole Food dumpsters.

The top photo is “new nutrition-packed Veggie Turkey Breast With Wild Rice and Cranberry Stuffing.” Those bitches will eat it and better like it. Tell me something? If vegan food is so scrumptious, why do they make it look like meat??? I'm cooking a's okay though, I knew him personally and he was not a nice guy and not bright. He used to live with Paris Hilton. I traded a puppy for him. Roast puppy is just too small for a whole dinner. Hmm, I wonder how many countries Pams breasts would feed?


Anonymous said...

Feeding Pammy's breasts to anyone... *BARF*

Miss Tia said...

tofurkey is actually pretty good...

they make 'fake' meat to look like 'real' meat to make people who are on the fence between veggie-ism and meat-eating easier....

grilled boca burgers rock....

i eat a lot of 'fake' meat...but i still eat chicken and fish and when i'm at the golden corral buffay i do partake of steak....

Anonymous said...

stupid fake bitch shes so disgusting and stupid!! homeless people would love to turkey!! its friggin thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

her boobs are disgusting, men may like to gawk at them but they look like they could kill.

Anonymous said...

Why do you always look for the negative?

At least shes willing to do something for someone in need or alone during the holidays.

Anonymous said...

Homeless people just wanna eat, they need protein too. Whats she gonna do if she sees a homeless person in a coat with fur on it? Rip it off them & throw blood all over them? This story is a f'g joke. Makes me hate her. gawd, just give the people some damn turkey woman, it's Thanksgiving for gods sake. In fact just stay home Pammy, you look like you could use the rest.

Anonymous said...

I don't eat meat because I think the meat industry is disgusting. The amount of animal torture that goes down is insane. However, I don't think eating meat is necessarily wrong depending on where it came from. So for a lot of us, we don't actually mind the look and taste of meat - we just don't like the methods used to produce it.


Miss Tia said...

you know i just realized this....shouldn't she be wearing GLOVES to serve people food???

She has Hep. C....if you have a communicable disease you are required by health authorities to WEAR GLOVES....actually i think all food servers are suppose to wear gloves...

Unknown said...

If vegan food is so scrumptious, why do they make it look like meat???

I've been asking myself the same question. No offense to vegans, but, to me it seems as if by eating fake meat they are satisfying their deep secret craving for real meat.

And I'm sorry, but I hate it with people want to impose their personal lifestyle choices on other people. It's ok to make a statement, and everyone has the right to do so, but, as far a trying to force everyone else to do the same, that's not right. Especially if Hep C is involved.

Ok now I need to get a couple of NY strips out of the freezer for dinner. Gonna cook'em till they burn and are full with carcinogens.

Anonymous said...

all I can say is WOW in that dress - I think (if possible) they grew lol.


Anonymous said...

Waterlilly , I'm with you ! If people don't want to eat meat....fine with me . But don't try to impose your beliefs on me . I feel really bad when I see a cattle truck going down the road ,but my second thought is mmmmmmmmmmmm .....steak ! Sorry , but I'm not giving up meat for any one !! Especially for some over paid, artificial, wanna be actress !

Anonymous said...

It's not about imposing beliefs. Is she going around and picketing other soup kitchens? Doubtful. She's providing a healthy dinner to people and you guys are giving her shit. I'm hardly a fan but come on. As for fake meat looking like meat, I think it's to make it more appealing to people that eat meat. I don't eat meat and I don't care if my food looks like meat or not. In face, the fake meat that approximates the taste of real meat grosses me out, honestly. And to the person who said we eat fake meat to sate our need for real meat, they're right. We're omnivores, I have no illusions about how we were built. But I really don't want to eat a chicken that has been crammed into a cage, force fed food it wasn't designed to eat, crammed full of hormones to grow unnaturally quickly, have fecal matter rain down from the thousands of chickens that live above it, have it's beak cut off and feet fuse to the bottom of the cage, have their immune system run rampant with disease and antibiotics and THEN, FINALLY when they die have the same birds with their fecal matter be dipped into scalding hot water to loosen the feathers and be coated with all the other chicken fecal matter. Is that enough? Factory farming is fucking disgusting but most everyone is too much of a pussy to kill their own meat. I have no problem with hunting whatsoever. I vastly prefer it. I've just been a vegetarian so long that I don't care for the taste of meat any longer. Sorry for the long winded rant, it's just people need to know why some of us choose not to eat meat. And it's not because I think chickens are so snuggly. It's because it's just too damn gross anymore.

Anonymous said...

Fuck she's horrid! GAWD!! And I think she knows she's at the end of her 'hot' years. She used to be cute and perky and sexy. Now she's just trying too hard and aging at light-speed. Gross!

Unknown said...

people need to know why some of us choose not to eat meat


magic word!

Unknown said...

BTW I eat free range organic chicken and happy cow steak.

Anonymous said...

Good gawd. How is it those ridiculous globs of plastic she has shoved up in her chest haven't exploded yet. Does she really think those are hot? They're absolutely absurd. Plenty of saline died to make those, so why is she so concerned about the welfare of a bunch of turkeys?

Anonymous said...

Good gawd. How is it those ridiculous globs of plastic she has shoved up in her chest haven't exploded yet. Does she really think those are hot? They're absolutely absurd. Plenty of saline died to make those, so why is she so concerned about the welfare of a bunch of turkeys?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'd like to poop in certain people on this blogs Thanksgiving dinner since there is such ignorance on here.

Anonymous said...

The homeless people can choose to go to another soup kitchen. She's not shooting Tofurkey rockets at people's heads for cripes sake. You could argue on the flip side that other soup kitchens are forcing people to eat turkey. What if they want lasagne or a hamburger? Selfish soup kitchen bastards.

Anonymous said...

At least vegans don't eat real meat that is dead animals. Why do you guys have such a problem with animal rights? Don't you think they have feelings, know pain, love and fear and have a strong sense of survival like we humans do? Have you been close up to a domestic pet lately, have you noted any of the above traits in them? If not, try beating the shit out of them and see how they react. Don't you think that all living creatures are the same as your pet cat or dog. Get some BRAINS!