"I think it's (Beckham's style) absolutely horrible! I don't get it at all. I think she should gain a little weight. With all due respect, you want an icon, give me Princess Diana. I don't get this. Oh please, she doesn't even smile. She needs some fashion tips. I'd take her on in a heartbeat."
Poshy better hide, because the original supermodel will rip her eyes out with her acrylics, grind them to dust with her Christian Louboutin stilettos and smoke the muthers in a meth pipe shaped like dragons vagina. I'm not even kidding. Janice is crazy. I love her.
Totally agree DD!
She's hilarious to watch
She should have been in porn with those dick sucking lips. Can't stand her...she's a has been.
She's too old to keep behaving this way. She has very little if any, self respect. She thinks she's a rock star. I hate her scary chinese plastic eye job! She needs to get some class, but I think it's too late. She talks about Princess Diana, she should take a lesson!
I just LOVE her! She's outrageous and f**ked up, and puts herself out there anyway in all her raunchy glory. Go Janice!
She seems like a very mean person, I hate her attitude on ANTM and she contradicts herself alot on there.
I totally, absolutely love her sharp tongue and honesty.
Yes Janice, Posh doesn't smile. And another thing she doesn't do is stick her legs in the air at the slightest urging, giving everyone a nice whiff of cobwebby old lady poon. And she also doesn't stagger around loaded on booze and pills at 2 in the afternoon.
Far be it from me to defend Posh, who is an utterly absurd human being, but come on. Janice Dickinson is the last person who should be criticizing anyone else for having no taste. And please Janice, don't throw Princess Di in my face, all right hon? She and Jackie O are the first people low-rent slags like you bring up when they're trying to show that they know class. Do you think that by acknowledging people who comported themselves in a dignified manner in public (if not always in private) you can somehow acquire a measure of that dignity yourself? Don't make me laugh. You haven't got a shred of dignity, you shrill, mindless old coot. The only thing you have to peddle is your willingness to behave outrageously, so dignity for you would only be an impediment. Now please fuck off, you fake-faced, fake-titted relic. And try to keep your legs closed for more than five seconds, okay?
crabbie rocks. He talks to me like that everyday though. I just flash him net boobies and make him cry.
Be nice to my fan, meanie.
Wouldn't you get further flashing him net nut sack?
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