Saturday, November 10, 2007

The other Cruise kids

Isabella, 13, likes ballet and horses. Connor, 11, likes soccer. No one hears much about these two, but, they live mostly with Tom and Katie in California. A fact that Keith Urban let slip when he said he didn't know them well because they are California based. Tom requires them to spend their summers at Scientology camp, which is why we haven't seen much of them. Someone on here called them homely. Homely?? Are you kidding me? Connor has movie star looks already and Isabella is a perfectly cute girl. I'm sick of hearing them called Toms "adopted" children and Nicoles "adopted" kids. They are their children.


Anonymous said...

They are the kids that no one hears about and pretty much no one cares about, bad as that may sound. Tom and Katie always have Suri, but unless it's a soccer game, there are no "family pics" with these two. These two kids may be California based, but none of their 4 parents are. I feel for them.

Anonymous said...

Oh please they have always doted on their children not just Suri. And have done a wonderful job keeping them out of the media circus. They support all their activities and show up to all games shows and recitals. Hate the adults if you must but you have to admit they are good parents celebs or not.

Conner is going to break hearts by the look of him, wouldnt surprize me if he wanted in show biz in a few years. And I suspect that Is will blossom as she matures.

It must be hard for them to hear all the oo's and ahh's over Suri and then some jackasses putting them down.

DD is right. They are their children period. Not second rate "adopted" children.

Anonymous said...

She does have cool hair I must admit. XD

Anonymous said...

Her hair is riduculous. She's THIRTEEN, for crying out loud. As far as I'm concerned, the only occasion suitable for that "look"--is Halloween.

(and don't tell me it's "temporary color spray"... nope. That's been bleached and colored with hair dye)

Anonymous said...

edit: Make that "riDICulous". lol

Anonymous said...

Their dausghters hair was a teenage phase. But its said that Tom has basically alienated their mother from their life. Nicole herself admited that she rarely sees the kids cause of all the stuff Tom has them do and since he has primary custody for some bizarre reason she gets like a week a year.


Anonymous said...

So what if the kid dyed her hair blue? That's just what kids do. They do weird things. Be glad she's not off smoking weed, stabbing people or spreading her legs all over town. It's just a little blue hair for cripes sake.

Anonymous said...

They're really cute. Long time since I have seen them in a pic & Nicole was discussing Isabella's blue hair with a motherly-roll of the eyes on an interview before, like she didn't love it but it was harmless & she just let her be. Not much she can do about it, if her dad is letting her do it anyway.

Anonymous said...

Her hair is pretty light in color, I think this is that temp hair color that washes out after a few washings. My son does this & it is not permanent, he has to re-do it quite a lot. And he has to bleach the sections that he applies it to, so it does work best on light hair. This is just temporary, not sprayed in, but temp hair color. I think she's a cutie.

Anonymous said...

You go DD! I agree with you that they are their children and they should not be treated like second class "adopted kids" My God, imagine how hurtful it is for them to hear something like that.
"As far as I'm concerned, the only occasion suitable for that "look"--is Halloween." -as far as YOU'RE concerned? It's a shame you WEREN'T concerned, but you still added your much needed expert opinions on 13 year olds' hairstyles. If you haven't noticed, most teens are doing things you probably aren't, doesn't mean there's necessarily something wrong with it. AND FYI..MY HAIR WAS BLUE A WHILE AGO. suck it up.