Friday, November 30, 2007

Over indulgence and mindless it's finest

Suri Cruise is getting new shoes. Those people that raise her have ordered custom made Christian Louboutin's for their little darling. Custom designed Louboutin's??? I figure that's got to be at least 5 grand. What? You don't expect royalty to wear Violet Afflecs hand me downs, do you? Nevermind that her size will change 3 weeks after she gets them. Ehhh, the little baby CL's are probably really for Tommy Girl. He tried stealing Katies (true story there) but, they were way to big.


Anonymous said...

Those the ones with the red bottoms? Why would a kid need those? Like DD said, they won't fit in a matter of weeks. Maybe for the Oscars this spring? I can't imagine what the deal is. I guess they are running outta things to spend all his cash on. & honestly, they are probably not paying for them. The designer probably wants to do it for Suri.

Anonymous said...

Burberry and Laboutin? Sacré bleu!

Tsk! Tsk! Tommy. What will Armani say?

Anonymous said...

If this is true, it's revolting. Let's see, $3000 shoes for our kid who won't give a shit, or inoculate an African village against malaria. Hmmmm, that's a toughie. Yech.

Anonymous said...

Katie just got her hair cut to look like Suri's, it was on the insider today, it actually looks kinda cute too :x