Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The real Britney vs the fake OK Britney

Remember that OK photo shoot where she showed up hours late and wiped up her dogs poop on their $7,000 dollar dress? OK got back at her by removing her nose. Honestly, do they think we don't know what this greasy bitch really looks like? Why don't they just put a photo of J-Lo on and say it's her? Or, why don't they just do a shoot of J-Lo since that's obviously what they were going for.


Anonymous said...

That doesn't even look like her!!!!! (the top one I mean). The second one is her on a good day...

Anonymous said...

I just choked on my cupcake.

Anonymous said...

Too many Ho-Ho's!! Wow! I'm just sayin'..thats bad , by anyone's standards.

Anonymous said...

Ashley Simpson with old hair in the top pic, a couple of years ago. Thats who I think it looks like.

Anonymous said...

Britney wherever you are, you should be reading this.

Anonymous said...

If I looked like that I'd stay home all the time & work on it. I wouldn't be out & about getting bad pictures taken daily. I'd kill myself!

Anonymous said...

the beginning of a meth meltdown...her face that is...

Major Majormajor said...

In that second picture her lips are turning blue. We all know what lack of oxygen does to your brain.

Miss Tia said...

yeah, she does look like a j-lo mini-me in that first pix....

Anonymous said...


I thought I knew just how bad Pooney could look... but this is truly a new low.

And that PUFFY LIP! -- it's getting bigger every day.

How is looking like you were hit in the face.. a good look?
I just can't believe she paid MONEY for that mess.

Anonymous said...

Might I add nice droopy tits.

Anonymous said...



Barb said...

Sad. Meth meltdown says it all. She really needs to sit in a room by herself for about 8 hours and think. Think and write. She needs to make a list of all the things she has done that have cost her diary, then what she will do to correct that. She needs to make a list of things she feels are important for her to do with Sean Preston and Jayden James, and when and how she will do them, then what the consequences will be if she doesn't.

She needs to list all of the adults in her life she needs to be worried about "making things right with", and list the dates when she will do this, then stick to that.

She needs to make a new schedule for herself, and adhere to it. The “same ole”, “same ole” hasn't been working. Time to change. She needs to schedule a full physical and emotional medical exam, attend and follow all advice as given, exactly. This includes Dental.

She needs to not see the boys at all during this time. She can't allow them to see her one more time, until she is exactly what a mother should be. If she can't do all this, she should kiss them goodbye today.

It is time for her to be real serious, and to regain her life, or lose it forever. It surely cannot be fun for her the way it is!

Maybe the best place to do all of this is in rehab. But, not unless she is so totally serious about it all. She needs to at least change her locale. Get the heck out of LA to somewhere she can be “”normal”. She needs to be quite strong before she returns to LA.

I really think that Brit is standing in the doorway of her last chance. Her choice. I wish her well.

Barb said...

Sorry.. about 4 th sentence, it reads.."She needs to make a list of all the things she has done that have cost her diary"


It should read ake a list of all the things she has done that has cost her dearly.

Can't even trust the damn spell checkers when you do use them!!

Anonymous said...

hot britney has turned into a full blown mouthbreather. ditto everything that barb said.

Anonymous said...

Nice pic. That fake one I mean.

Anonymous said...

is that kim kardashian on the first on ?

Anonymous said...

meth face is sooo right on..

Anonymous said...

she's so hot, y'all are just jealous, thats all