Rihanna was asked to leave her cousins wedding last month after she showed up looking like a skeezy stage Diva and made a big to do of blowing kisses at fans. The Enquirer, "No one expected her to show up at the wedding dressed like she was on stage. She was the center of attention instead of the bride, and the bride and groom got upset."
Her mother and and aunt had words with her and she was asked to leave. Before she left she allegedly said, "What am I supposed to do, come dressed in a paper bag?"
Ha ha..yeah, wear a bag. Skeezer. I'll bet they kept her gift though.
Somebody call Suzanne Somers.
AHAHAHAHHA EWWW @ the photo. If she showed up like that to my wedding, I'd probably be jealous too. Her lips are hanging out... LMFAO
Doesn't surprise me, I knew she'd let that DIVA thing get to her head. Or her vag.
First of all, *that* isn't what she wore. The NE is currently running a story (with photos)and the "scandalous outfit" is a blue, halter-style dress that simply doesn't have enough "halter". Her boobs are showing from the side-view. Completely innappropriate for a wedding.
Now.. as for Rihanna's "paper bag" remark; Just because you're a star doesn't mean you're always the center of attention, toots.
Tear a page from Gwen Stefani's book. She showed up at Carmen Electra's wedding to Dave Navarro appropriately attired in a classic black suit, subdued makeup and her hair in a simple chignon.
A Superstar, yes... but a star with *class*.
"Tear a page from Gwen Stefani's book. She showed up at Carmen Electra's wedding to Dave Navarro appropriately attired in a classic black suit, subdued makeup and her hair in a simple chignon.
A Superstar, yes... but a star with *class*."
Anon! I love you & agree 100% A true star with class doesn't NEED to steal anothers' thunder. Gwen is in a small class of celebs of that quality.
This a trashy skank ho-bag whore. Her fame-flame is on a short wick.
That is a sick photo DD... I am scarred.
I didn't say that's what she wore to the wedding dumbass. I said if she wore THAT to my wedding............................. READ
1:26 shut the fuck up. Little twit. Like you could have a wedding.
I said before that she was a whore in the making. Nasty tramp.
Anonymous said...
1:26 shut the fuck up. Little twit. Like you could have a wedding.
November 14, 2007 8:11:00 PM PST
Dont you have school in the morning kid? Get to bed already!
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
1:26 shut the fuck up. Little twit. Like you could have a wedding.
November 14, 2007 8:11:00 PM PST
Dont you have school in the morning kid? Get to bed already!
November 14, 2007 11:49:00 PM PST
Eww. She's turning into another shameless skank. Just what we need. Not.
11:49 thats it? Some comeback. Lame
Anonymous said...
11:49 thats it? Some comeback. Lame
November 15, 2007 8:52:00 PM PST
Hey twat sucker, get a fucking life & quit obsessing over Whorihanna !
that pic isnot rihanna at her cousins wedding
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