Rosie at one of her shows.."I want her to come live with me, but I have to stop saying that. I'm a 45-year-old overweight lesbian. She's like a 23-year-old hot, skinny sexy girl. I think she's going to call the police soon, you know. I mean I phone her, I leave her like stalker-like messages at the Four Seasons."
Yeah, that's real funny, I guess she hasn't seen Britney lately because she's about as sexy as Rosie O'Retard herself. Like Britney doesn't have enough problems. Oh, and Rosie sent Elisabeth Hasslecrack some baby gifts. Burn pile. This old big mouth isn't going to stop pissing people off until someone puts her in a nut house. She has a cute wife, why doesn't she just shut up and go home to her? Gaggy old bitch.
23? Isn't Britney like 37 by now?
LOl @ jessica
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