Where does your eye go? Mine went straight (funny word to use in this post) to the pink where the chair button is reflecting light upward making it look like Mz Curry (in real life Mrs. Peter Brady aka Christopher Knight ) has a twat flap hanging out for all the world to inspect. How odd and deliberate. I'd rather see TIM Curry sitting there giving me that come hither stare, but, I realize that's a personal problem.
i can not believe they published that photo
LOL @ Tim Curry.
Hey hes far more intresting then her anyday of the week.
Yesss! Tim Curry anytime.
I kind of like Adrianne though, she has a brain for a young chick and says what she wants.
I think she's pretty but definately not model material .. hell, there are quite a few from ANTM that had no business being on there - think hideous twins - but that pic is just so intentional, what are the odds that that pink material is right by her cooter?! Dirty 'ol bastard Hef musta came up with that idea.
Oooooogly mofo.. But that's exactly what caught my eye too.. WTF
I LOVED the twins..and thier pics.
Ew DD those twins were so awkward looking! I agree with anon9:12. What was that black chics name with the teeny tiny nose that looked Michael Jacksonish? She was fug too!
That was Tyra. Bwaaaaa ha ha.
you stole this picture
Yeah, she totally ripped off Tim Curry with her apparel of choice here!! LOL! He's the best & RHPS is my fav! But the cooter showing is just terrible, even for a Playboy cover! It's not a mistake, it could have been airbrushed out & it wasn't. Wow. Yeah, fellas, thats where Peter puts his piper!! Jeez! We get it.
Oh no, you bitch-es! Tim Curry is MY BOYFRIEND. You best be backing off.
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