Friday, December 14, 2007

Britney still doing her own skanky hair

Hey, know what those plastic punch out things in the hair dye kit are? If you hold them up, they look like hands. Fucking retard. Seriously..FUCKING RETARD.


Anonymous said...

Her face is stained up too. Accidents happen when you color your hair even with the crummy gloves on, but clearly, she did not bother to wear them, at least not on her left hand. & her nails are stained & chewed up. You can buy hair color stain remover BTW! It does work. So, she can't afford a salon make-over now? What's up? She needs professional help with her hair, she's ruining it & it's not going to grow back out healthy. Going dark is not as harsh as bleaching tho, but it still is damaging if not done correctly or too often.

Anonymous said...

This latest "home coloring" job is nothing new. She's been doing this all year.

100 million dollars and she does it herself...

Go figure.

Anonymous said...

I'm going out on a limb here and saying that she's not too bright and doesn't possess the best judgement. "Oh dang, y'all! My hands are all stainded!"

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. She has got to be one of the dumbest people on earth. How in the world did she manage to have a career and two children? With all her drug use, it's a wonder her children weren't born with a third eye or something. And how does she keep what little hair she has from falling out? She dyes it and bleaches it weekly.

Anonymous said...

I hated Britney until I saw this photo. She has got to be the loneliest person on earth. Now I honestly feel sad for her. No family, no husband, no friends, no kids. All persecution and court dates and cameras, oh, yeah and money, let's not forget the money. BRITNEY, TAKE THAT MONEY AND BUY SOME CLASS!!!I'm back.

Anonymous said...

She is a hot mess! Can she maybe tint the windows in the car so we can get at least 10 less pictures of her a day?

Anonymous said...

it looks like st topez self tanner lotion. i use it and thats exactly what it looks like on your hands.