While David Blaine gets ready to set the worlds record for staying awake (Yawn, didn't Lohan already do that?) Criss Angel sets the record for most bling one unimportant guy can wear at one time. His other wrist was draped with that crap too. Yeah, it looks real. What a waste of money. Criss and Pam look awfully familiar in Vegas. Where's her husband?? He wasn't there. I don't care if she says her and Criss are just friends, when guys hang on you like that at a party..they're fixin' to get some. And he didn't let go of her all night.
Isn't he gonna be On Oprah today? That bling is insane. Even his neckware is super heavy blinged out. For a white guy, it's extreme. For a black rapper even! Wow! & yea, I agree it does look like genuine stuff. Pam looks like she's pretty hot & bothered in this pic. She likes magicians magic wands! But they do look like they are on a date & probably left t'gthr & hooked up no doubt. They are both so skeezy. He's screwed everything in Hollywood by now. Umm, so has she.
Criss's last hook-up was Pammy's ex-husband Tommy. Just saying.
Pam is such a prostitute.
That much bling just looks wrong on a man , regardless of his color . What ever happened to men being MEN ?????
Pam sure whores around. Friends or not, the men she hands out with are sleezier than she is.
nouveau riche. Lots of money, no taste at all.
Dump him in a lake. His 'jewelry' should do the rest.
Yeah, but when they drag that lake I got dibs on the diamonds! Good gawd! Did you check the ones on the bracelet? You could brick a house with them!
Why does Pam still try to work this look at the age she is?? I'm not saying she's old, just a lot older and it is not working anymore.(Not that I EVER liked her look, but I guess there were some that did) I find she is starting to look like an aging madame,plus the fact she always looks totally wasted in almost all the pics I've seen of her lately..not attractive at all. Hey, didn't she just get married? LOL!
As for Criss, God I hate that dirty look and all that bling ...BLEH
anon 11:14, you got that right. noveau riche indeed. so gawdy.
wander if he removes all those lovely rings from his fingers to wipe his ass after he shits?
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