That nasty ice storm caused me to miss Britney's birthday party last night. It was at the Scandinavian Mansion of Style party which I'm sure has nothing to do with Poontang. She turned 26 and took home some strange guy. I wonder what happened to the cute waiter? Anyway, she should have gone for her driver..he's hotter, but, probably too sober to do her. ParAss Hilton was there proving she can buy bigger gummi worm lips than that ol' Jessica Simpson any day. ParAss and Poon walked out together like the old vagina showing buddies that they used to be, but, ParAss sat in her own car and put on makeup until Brit left, then she went back into the party to get her picture taken some more. Good fake out, ParAss..oh, you're looking more and more like Jenna Porno Jameson every day.
Did Paris get injections or did someone punch her finally?
Paris is looking rough around the edges these days... or perhaps she is simply not aging well...?
Crazy Brit. I bet she's had a few crayons melted at her house too! Only because she layed her crack-pipe down on Seans coloring book & Crayolas! Can you imagine how annoyed he gets?
Britney has to be the most unattractive celebrity out there. #2 is Paris.
Paris is "#2" ???? Hilarious! Thank you!
Brit's more unattractive than Amy Winehouse? I don't think so. There have to be others less attractive than her. Think about it. She's not unattractive anyway. She's still cute, when she tries. She's just nuts!
Cute when she tries? Ummm is she not trying to make a cute crooked eye face in this pic?
I am thinking that maybe she forgot HOW to try! OK? Does that make more sense?
Nice Porno Face Ya Got There Paris-Poo :)~~
anon 11:52, I think she's forgotten alot of things :( Sad sad sad
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