Wednesday, December 5, 2007

History, shmistory..Sherri Shepherd knows it all

Why is this woman on The View??? Why is this woman even allowed out of the special ed unit without a gaurdian?


Miss Tia said...

when i was in college there was a woman who maintained that NOTHING existed if it wasn't in the bible! Dinosaurs? didn't exist! The pyramids? didn't exist!!

it's scary that there are people like that out there!

Anonymous said...

Jesus was before all other religious views? Are you kidding me? Some people are just dumb and should not be allowed to argue anything. I got into an argument at my work with a woman because I had to explain to her that the word Difference was not Differnts. She also claims its Intelligents not Intelligence. I would like to mention that this woman is my superior...

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, gawd. You need a new job.

Anonymous said...

Please. Seems like she hasn't really read the Bible which she claims to love. Come on, Old Testament tells about many historic events before Christ.

Anonymous said...

Okay I got you all beat. I was a Mormon when I was little & we had this class for kids every Wednesday. I can't remember what it's called, Primary Class I think. & the instructor very strongly explained to us that "if you were good in heaven you would be born white, if you were bad in heaven you would be born black!" This is the God's honest truth. I am not lying about this & will never forget it. I tell everybody about it. Bizarre for an 8 year old to hear. I just couldn't get my head around the fact that somebody was bad in heaven & punished by being made black. I just didn't get it,I was 8 & still don't! Needless to say I am NOT a Mormon!

Dirty Disher said...

Oh man, and somewhere there was a black person telling black kids they'd be born white and a bunch of kids everywhere sorting their crayolas into bad groups and good groups with a dazed expression on thier little faces who are now in therapy.

Anonymous said...

Honestly back then DD, blacks weren't exactly being 'invited' into the realm of the Mormons & were NOT allowed to hold office or partake of Sunday sacraments. I don't know how much has changed since then.So, if you are black why would you ever seek out this religion? But I never saw a black person when I was going. yet, a white woman could lead the congregation in prayer! So, strange. Very class obsessed religion. My bishop had a garage full of Coca-Cola cases too & we were forbidden to drink cola too. Something else that weirded me out. I knew at 8 that I was being decieved! It's all the same in all religions- "Do as I say, don't do as I do".

Anonymous said...

PS: I did end up in therapy that year! The year my parents divorced. There was even a book written about me & my treatment. Of course I wasn't told about that or my diagnisis until I was an adult. I never saw the book. I still remember my Dr's name tho! Gawd, sorry DD, this has turned you into my therapist today! LOL!

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO....SNORT! We're ALL fuckered up.

Unknown said...

WOW and you just noticed she has nothing but popcorn in her skull? I noticed that a long time ago.....>shakes head<

Anonymous said...

same reason you have a blog and can't spell, dummy. (guardian)

Anonymous said...

Looks like the view has a formula and she's the token fat black chick, if she loses weight, they'll have to replace her with another...I'm sure they're on the lookout for a american born english speaking asian chick. I think Whoopi should make it ok to can her, but shes in the "aged sage" slot and her race is irrelevant to the script, and this is a script, nothing left to watch a bunch of biddies hollerin at each other.