Pete Doherty was snapped helping his buddy, Amy Winehouse get some things out of her car (she has a car??) and paps spotted a big bag of white powder. I thought, no way..it's huge and doesn't even have a twist tie on it. And it's in plain sight. Then I realized we're talking about Pete and Amy and I went, oh, yeah, okay. Most of us could buy a nice house for what they waste on dope in a month. And I do mean waste..they probably spill more dope than Kieth Richards has done in a lifetime. You could lay down on their carpet and just breathe and get overdosed. You wouldn't know weather you were going up or down, depending on the floor spot you picked, but, hey, surprises are fun.
I bet him and Amy are sleeping together .. probably snort lines off each others nekked bodies!
they've grown close
Not surprising.
I'm referring to the bag of unknown white substance.
If you layed on the right carpet spot the drugs would negate each other and you'd be the same. Think about that..it fucks with my head.
Their obits will be side by side one day no doubt. & both will say the same damn thing.
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