The original SUPERmodel Janice Dickinson said Jennifer Love Hewitt is not fat. But, Tyra is. She called JLH normal and healthy and said, "You want to see someone who's fat, I'm sorry, Tyra, Tyra Banks is fat.
Ohhhh, the faux fur is gonna fly. Man, now Tyra is going to do a years worth of shows in her bathing suit, crying. Why couldn't that fucking Janice just say Tyra's a retard, like the rest of us do? "You can kiss my FAT ASS! Boo hoo!"
Neither of them are fat, but chubbbbbby in certain areas. I think Janice is just jealous because of her plastic face!
Tyra may be thick but Janice is fucking scary looking, people can go on diets but all the plastic surgery in the world cant help a face like hers!
was Janice serious? I can't tell by her facial expressions.
I think its really dumb for Janice to be on a show talking like that.
1. She is a mother who should be setting an example to her kids to treat others kindly.
2. She can not comment on other peoples bodies when hers is 90% fake.
3. People who are in the public eye should not be promoting the whole "thinner is better" mentality. It is negative and a bad way for our youth to be picturing the "ideal" woman.
4. Tyra and JLH are BOTH not fat. They have curves, they are voluptuous and they are REAL woman.
5. Janice Dickenson is an ugly & mean has-been. She needs to get over herself. Everyone else has.
why does she call herself the first supermodel? is she even older than Twiggy or Nico?
This two were supermodels. But JD? I nver heart about her until last year when I started reading blogs like this - and I am in my 30s...
I never heard of her until Tyra gave her a comeback break & had her on ANTM! Now she's dissing Tyra? Good gawd. She's no doubt jealous of Tyra's TV success, 2 hit shows simultaniously! & Tyra may have put on some weight, but her face is still gorgeous & very real & she's not out shooting beaver shots all over the tabloids! Janice is made of plastic & Twiggy was way before & still looks better than she ever did! No class old-bag trashy whore.
Why does she want to project so much negative energy around her? It doesn't make her look good by any means. It will make people hate her...more! Be nice!!!! Or keep your trap shut bitch!
She says her lips are real. Why did she have to say that? Al didn't ask her if they were. So, she's gotta convince the public that she's not a walking Tupperware factory I guess. I don't care & with Al's past of weight issues & being black himself, I'm sure that comment about Tyra was hurtful to him & he said he doesn't ever think of Tyra as being fat at all. I think Janice made a huge mist step here & will have hell to pay.
I honestly love Janice, I think she an outrage and hilarious. This is media people, she's trying to stir you all up, that's why we're all oooohing and aaaahhhing right now. Her mission is accomplished. Again, hats off, Janice.
Oh boo Sabrina.
i don't care. I like Janice a HELL of a lot better than Tyra
Janice looks like a man, what a waste of money, she must have spent a fortune having plastic surgery, but damn, what happen gurl? why u look like that? you look fine before..Now, you are like a caricature...ohh so plastic...tsk.tsk..tsk
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