Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Katie Holmes.."I've had it!"

Tom Cruise is driving Katie mad with his demands. He wants her to become Kate Cruise and she refuses. She's Katie Holmes and all his threats to us to call her Kate haven't worked here or at home. They fight about the name thing a lot.
Friends blab.. “I am so tired of being told what to wear, what to say, what to eat and even what to think. I can’t stand it anymore,” Katie said during her tantrum.
But, she also says she will NEVER divorce him. Ehhh, yeah, she will. They all do eventually. What is his freekin' obsession with the name Katie? Stupid Tom.


Anonymous said...

yeah, but the x-mas card she supposedly designed, riiiight...showed her name as Kate. I didn't think she designed it anyway. He wouldn't allow her to do anything creative w/o his 2 cents. She will never divorce him because she's freaking scared to death of him & his army of followers from that cult he owns. You know what they say "Keep your enemies close.."

Anonymous said...

She never got her teeth fixed...she should go ahead with that now before he cuts her off. So, to speak.

Anonymous said...

Tom leaked this story on purpose to make people not think Katie is a robot.

Anonymous said...

Crabbie? Why would Tom care what poeple think? He hasn't yet. I always doubt what I hear, until I see the divorce decree in print. But she wouldn't leak this & he doesn't care if anybody thinks she's a robot, why start caring now? Because that Nazi movie of his is going to be a flop? Duh! He does need some good publicity, but this ain't it. Who leaked that they sleep in separate rooms? Now, thats negative publicity & he didn't shoot that one down!

Anonymous said...

Katie Holmes.."I've had it!"

Honey, we all have. Get out now!

Anonymous said...

I dont feel bad for her, she knew what she was getting herself into, all she had to do was read tabloids about him and his weirdness and that shouldve been enough warning. She made her bed now she's laying in it. She thought she was so hot for snaggin herself a big hollywood "star", but really all she got herself was a babydaddy and a master.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last poster: He is a master. a manipulator & a control freak. He was controlling her from the time he met her. Remember the day after he met her he sent his crew over to clean & detail her old junker car? It was so full of her sh** that he had to sit in the back seat on a pile of her junk. They were engaged probably 2 mos later!! Crazy!

Anonymous said...

He wants to call her Kate Cruise, I believe, mainly for control...she is his possession, not his wife. And I never bought that romance, anyway. He got a young girl, fixed her nose, forced her into thiness, got her to have a kid (I swear I believe he's not the bio dad. I remember that he and Nicole adopted because he shoots blanks. When she got preggers, he knew it wasn't his & divorced her)

Miss Tia said...

don't forget he 'interviewed' 5 or 6 potential 'brides' before katIE was selected....and then she basically 'disappeared' for 10 days after they first 'hooked up'....and when she reappeared she fired her long term manager, etc and cut off childhood friends....

they're both pathetic....