Naaaaaaa, I'm just kidding. Nicole Richie hasn't popped yet, but, her and baby's daddy, Joel Madden threw a baby shower for those less fortunate at the LA free clinic for the The Richie Madden Children’s Foundation and they gave away Nicole's own shower gifts worth over 200 grand!
Nicole told reporters after the shower: “The looks on their faces were priceless. Some of them didn’t even believe us [when they saw the gifts]. They thought we were joking.”
That's very cool and the couple actually look like they know what they're doing with those practice babies. Look at him supporting the head! Look at her being all maternal..awwww. I'm liking them better every day. They are my new favorite Hollywood couple.
They actually make you smile in a good way for once :) Theres no doubt that this baby will want for nothing so its nice to see them so generously donate her shower gifts to others in need who want just as much for their children.
I think she looks really pretty here too dontcha think? A few pounds on her makes such a difference!
She's gorgeous.
That's so cool of them. Nicole has always seemed down to earth and NORMAL, unlike her bff Paris.
i don't think i have ever seen a more beautiful mother to be than her. Nicole, stunning..absolutely stunning.
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