Blake Lively (bottom) is on Gossip Girl which I don't care about because it has guys with receding hairlines playing teenagers and Katie Cassidy (top) plays a vampire on Supernatural which I only watch if there's a rerun of whatever other thing I watch, which I can't remember because it's all brain-o-vision. Anyway, I get these two chicks mixed up constantly.
Blake is the one who says genius things in interviews like “People know my own name,” and Katie is the daughter of David Cassidy who just got stopped for DUI (the kid, not the dad) and she brilliantly gave the cops a fake ID and yelled "I'm someone else!" Her mom told the cops to handle her with kid gloves as she is a "high profile actress." That made me pee laughing.
And David Cassidy, who used to be so cute it made you cry and your stomach feel funny, now looks JUST like his weird daddy, Jack, who burned up drunk in a house fire back in '76. And this post took too long and made me realize I aint right anymore and if I drank I'd have one, now.
Nice Blog :)
I totally get it. It was not hard to follow. I remember the fire. He was burnt to a crips too. It was very sad at the time. I think his cig fell between the cushions while he was passed out? Something like that. It was in a hi-rise & hard to put out wasn't it?
I didn't even know he had a kid!!
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