According to the African people I know, Baboons kill more folks than lions do, but, they could be lying..how the fuck would I know? Anyhow, Baboons are nasty and dangerous, but, the one that got stuck with Manson inside his cage is a weener and I'd tell him so right to his red ass.
source..*Controversial rocker Marilyn Manson ended up sharing a cage with a baboon after taking an ecstasy pill. Manson found himself face to face with the ape after taking the drug in a zoo in Florida. He said: “It was the first time I saw a baboon face to face. They said whatever you do don’t look him in the eye so that’s all I could do. They actually let me in. Some irresponsible bastard said lets put Marilyn Manson on ecstasy in a cage with a red arse baboon.”*
The Baboon is now in therapy.
Witch is Witch??? (spelling is deliberate)
Gawd! Is there possibly an uglier human being on the planet? I don't think so!
The Baboon is now in therapy.
I think it is more likely that your friends are telling the truth and Manson is making up the story.
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