There's Tippi in the middle with a tiger and a clown..no, I don't know why there's a clown, maybe rescued tigers like a bit of humor now and then. I have nothing bad to say here..Tipi does an amazing thing by rescuing and giving a good home to all these huge cats who have been so badly treated I can't even print it here without feeling sick. And I'm pretty sure if you work there, you have to know..there's a chance one of them may eat your ass.
Tippi is Melanie Griffiths mom, in case you didn't know, and Antonio Banderas' mother in law (bet he doesn't piss her off much.) She is also famous for starring in the Hitchcock film "The Birds." Turns out she didn't like birds much..she likes cats.
it's too bad she can't rescue her daughter from botox...
i agree though, tippi is AWESOME in my book for helping this kitties....
Sad things like this may happen when you work with wild animals.
Also sad that those cats cannot live in their natural environment (humans are responsible for that)but I hope they have the best home possible.
Saw her on the news this a.m. Melanie looks exactly like her. Only to be honest, Tippi looks better! Not all fake-o. This is a woman that hasn't made a movie in decades. How does she afford to feed wild cats and even have a staff? I guess she survives on donations?
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