Friday, December 7, 2007

Them Presley girls..

Priscilla and Lisa Marie at a benefit for the Food Bank in NYC yesterday. Mom seems frozen in time and Lisa Marie looks like Jessica Sierra's mug shot. "Hey Cilla, fetch me a nanner samich! Come on, Satnin."


Anonymous said...

lisa marie looks older than her mom, good for her

Miss Tia said...

Priscilla was beautiful in her day...but she is 62 and she doesn't look one bit 'natural' because she's NOT natural...botox, surgeries, etc....She is obsessed with not 'aging' and is really vain, how is she going to look at 82??

Lisa Marie looks NATURAL...she might have had some plastic surgery, but you don't really notice and she looks natural and more normal than her mother...

Anonymous said...

Lisa is OK, just starting to look her age & smoking really ages you. Pricilla just needs to stop it. She ain't 16 anymore & the love of Elvis' life! Jeez...and I have really been hating her red hair. EW! & with the whitewash face it looks awful. Like dead or plastic.

Anonymous said...

whassup with their lips?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

OMG. Priscilla is no surprise whatsoever... she's been rocking the same horrifying frozen face for the past 10 years.

But, LISA! WhoooOOA! That's almost as scary as her mom.

And don't tell me it's natural aging. *One year* ago she didn't look like that.
Something is way wrong with her... be it too much drink, drugs, sex, rock 'n roll or whatever--- she looks f'd up... bigtime.

Anonymous said...

vampires! They want your blood!