Michael Vick got 23 months in the pen for his part in that dog fighting ring. Now he's nearly broke and won't be playing football again. Too bad, so sad. Now he can brag to his butt buddies in the prison yard about how he USED to be rich and USED to be famous. Tough luck, asshole.
2 years. That disgusts me.
he will be back playing football in 4 years. Maybe even three.
DD, you really think he's "Over"? I dunno about that. That has only happened to Pete Rose. Which makes me mad, don't get me started! This guy is black & plays Pro Football. And WAS very good at it. Sadly, He is not over. He will be back, maybe not at the pay he was getting, but somebody will sign him.
"Tough luck, asshole" has more than one meaning in this case.
There is always room in the NFL for a Quarterback with experience. Vick is fast and has a rocket arm, not to mention experience as a starter. Too bad, I don't think he should be allowed back. Ricky Williams lost his mojo in two years.
there's a special place in hell for this asshole....
Dude is B-L-A-C-K!!! Wow! Dark chocolate anyone?
""Tough luck, asshole" has more than one meaning in this case."
Two years is not enough for the pain and suffering he forced these poor animals to endure...he is a disgusting excuse of a human being. Doubt he will even do a year and I agree that he will probably will be back playing pro football...sickening
Fucker got a slap on the wrist~ I hope they rape the shit outta him in the pokey peice of fuckin shit no good nigger that he is.
And I dont care if my statement is offensive, he is what he is.
I sincerely hope the pain he put those poor dogs through is done to him. I hope he is raped over and over by a big black bitch named Bubba!!
Stupid fucking nigger!
race has nothing to do with dogfighting. there are plenty of white hillbillies who do the same shit. no need to be ugly here people!
i applaud the courts for convicting and sentencing him for at least 2 years. there was speculation that he wouldn't even get one year. i honestly hope that he comprehends the severity of his crimes and does some soul searching to better himself. i would also like to see him donate to the HSUS and ASPCA as part of his amends. his actions were despicable and i would hope that some good can come of this. at least america is sitting up and taking dogfighting crimes seriously now.
he wont be raped in prison. He wont go to a max. He will either go to a med-low or a camp. The inmates will kiss his ass and treat him like a hero. Most of the inmates dont think dog fighting is a big deal. I personally think its disgusting. But I work in a prison and hear what the inmates say.
winebunny-I never said it was a racial thing. Of course each race has their own trash ie-white trash, beaners, niggers etc.
I'm not saying there is any coralation between the two. So take a chill pill and shut the fuck up...
He's still a stupid nigger!! End of story
I totally agree Anon: 8:49 ... only it usually is mainly the niggies that are dog fighting, granted, theres a few white trash fuckers that do it, but mainly blacks so in this case, calling him a stupid fucking nigger hits the nail right on the head.
2 years?! He shoud be sentanced to death, for gawd's sake! He's an effin' murderer!
Don't bring the n-word into this you racist cunts. You're as bad as him.
OK people, he was a BLACK football player at one time, now hes a piece of shit NIGGER.........sorry, but i feel for the dogs, and not this coon, he makes my blood boil........
At the least he deserves to be called a nigger. For example Britney used to be considered a "pop princess" now a lot of bloggers and people call her "white trash" "poontang" etc. Make note she is WHITE!
My point is, is that this isnt a racial thing. It's basically ignorant people that do inhumane things to innocent children and animals regardless of their COLOR!!
Get the fuck over it cunt!
Grambags> I don't think anyone is suggesting that you feel bad for him personally but rather that you consider the historical and cultural use of the word nigger before you throw it out there. It may seem like no big deal but then you have probably never been at the receiving end of racial inequality.
I just don't see how it's helpful or necessary to drop the N bomb into this conversation. If it was a white person everyone would call him an asshole, jerk, evil bastard, etc but likely wouldn't snap to saying cracker, honky, etc. Using the N word is just a pathetic crutch. It's like resorting to calling people Nazis in arguments. It's for feeble minded individuals that can't actually provide a coherent and cohesive argument.
amy yeah--sorry but um ya my mind is far from feeble! Tis freedom of speech and I beg to differ but YES-if this was a white man he more likely then not would be called "redneck" "white trash" etc.
You're as bad as all the niggers that are picketing to free the fucking freak!
He raped, hung, mutilated, dogs you stupid BITCH!!!
Jesus! And you all are worried about ppl calling him a nigger. RIP for all the innocent pitbulls that went through torture to provide entertainment for this man.
And notice how it's always the blacks that are charged with dog fighting?
Stupid Nigger!!!!
right your freedom of speech. Really its because you can say it on here and not be seen.. You wouldnt be brave enough to use the word around any black people. You are so brave. LOL
using the N word is merely a way of showing ones anger..if the person in this crime was gay youd be throwing around the faggot, queer, fudgepacker etc..etc...and if he was white, oriental etc, theres equally racial insults, so...my use of the N word merely shows my anger and disgust at this person...............
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