Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Where's Suri?

In London's Hyde Park. We all love Suri, don't we? Awwww, Suri, where ya goin' next??


Anonymous said...

It's like where's waldo... AWWWH

Anonymous said...

I love this child. She's wonderful. I hope she doesn't end up following her fathers religion when she's of age. But she will, she needs daddy's credit cards!

Anonymous said...

Where's she goin' next? How about therapy?

Anonymous said...

You kiddin' Crabbie?

Tommy doesn't believe in 'psychology'...

Anonymous said...

When Tommy runs for Governator, she will help him get the vote. You watch, it will soooo happen! He won't win, but it's coming.

Anonymous said...

She's too cute...I swear she had him with another man. She looks nothing like the lil' general (thank goodness).

Anonymous said...

That little Suri is such a babydoll. Why must Katie dress like she's 60 though?

Major Majormajor said...

She needs her own soap box at Speaker's Corner. i'll buy whatever Suri is telling...

Anonymous said...

yea, she is top of the line cute. And I agree, Tom isn't the baby daddy.
Katie looks very good.