Get this..Amy Winehouse says that bag in her car was NOT dope, she doesn't do drugs and that is a bag of hand towels for her driver. I imagine if you're Amy's driver you need towels for many things..many, many things. Okay, Amy, that's towels and you are a fashion maven and you don't do your own hair and pigs fly and lions live on ice cream and, well, you get my point. Tomorrows headlines just might scream "Amy Winehouse dead of a towel overdose!" Terrycloth is a bitch to snort.
Well if you really stare at it it does have folds and shadows consistent with hand towels. Plus the bag is not tied up or anything. I doubt they would be so sloppy as to spill their precious coke all over the trunk. She might be telling the truth. Not about being sober generally but just about that bag in particular.
Who cares anyway? She's gonna OD & die, then we can all say "Toldja"!
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