I understand that Brit's too nutty to have the kids right now, but, couldn't she meet them at a neutral location with supervision and see them maybe an hour a week?? This photo of her reading about them in tabloids in a gas station just broke my heart. That's the only way she can see them right now. Damn!
her own fault & she did it by not appearing when ordered to by the judge. I'm glad they stuck with the ruling. It will teach her!!! Or does she even really care???? This is so staged & a try at sympathy. It doesn't phase me one bit.
It is her own fault, and those poor children need someone stable and well, this bitch is not. Now her sister is going to follow her footsteps.
Oh, don't go all soft on us when you see this dumbass looking at a magazine cover. She probably doesn't even recognize the kids on the frontcover. Hopefully they'll never recognize her, either.
she had visition with a court appointed monitor and that didn't go very well....a neutral location wouldn't change anything...SHE need to change...you'd THINK having her kids taken away would make her realize she needs help, but she's not realizing it, yet...if that doesn't wake someone up, what will???
it is sad, but she needs to get help....
boo-fuckin'-hoo, who? She needs to spend less time reading, excuse me, looking at pictures in gas stations and do SOMETHING, ANYTHING to try to get her kids back! The court is going to give them to Shar and then Brit will have to officially slit her wrists!
Problems shes brought on herself aside, it has to be hard to read the gossip and see your kids spread across the pages of a magazine when you cant even see them.
Why she doesnt clue in from what shes reading in those magazines on how shes comming across is beyond me.
if she wouldve just showed up to her court hearings, she WOULD have visitation, seems to me that sleeping and running around talking her goofyass british accent with her terrorist looking bf was of more importance to her. i dont feel sorry for the bitch, she brings it all on all by her pathetic self.
I hear ya. I go from feeling total pity for her to hating her on a daily basis.
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