Michel FuckWad Lohan is looking for the peope who sold drugs to his innocent daughter. “Come hell or high water, one day I’m going to find these guys and I’m going to expose them. … God is going to get even with this guy.”
Do I even have to point out the obvious?..no, I don't. Seems ML has a personal line to God. If he ever finds his ho daughters 15, 00 dope dealers they'll hit him up for unpaid drug bills. Will that be check, cash or Master Card, loser dad? Seems booze sold to a (then) underage addict doesn't count. Just buy the bitch a drink and shut it.
good point DD...if he went after the CLUBS that served her while she was underage he'd be able to get some support for that endeavor...a drug dealer? who cares....ya know??
there's a whole culture of clubs letting in someone famous who is underage, serving them drinks and then turning a blind eye...
if he just follows her around for a day he will have his man! Duh! Not hard to find dude!!!
If there is a god, and this god really wants to punish the dealers, he can do it without Assface Lohans help.
And maybe someone should remember him about that 'speck in your brother's eye' stuff. Or has he killed himself for drugging Lindsay?
No? Well Assface Lohan, that drug dealer should be easy to get. Just put the gun at your temple and pull the trigger.
sounds like OJ saying he was going to find who killed Nicole! Yea, riiight!!!
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