"Baby, oh darling. Please don't leave me Amy. I'm so worried that now you're thinking straight you'll realise I'm not worthy of you. Oh God, please don't leave me. I'll do anything to show you my heart and loyalty is with you.
I did tell my mum how you fell asleep on visits … and although sometimes I think your dad hurts me unnecessarily I love him and respect him.
Me and my family are finished for good. No visits, phone calls, nothing.
I love my new family and can't wait to show them I'm not just a fucking loser and that I can look after their daughter. That's if you can find it in your heart to trust me.
Your my family now, if you'll all have me. Pls don't leave me Amy, Pls. I love you so much, Blake xxx."
I did tell my mum how you fell asleep on visits … and although sometimes I think your dad hurts me unnecessarily I love him and respect him.
Me and my family are finished for good. No visits, phone calls, nothing.
I love my new family and can't wait to show them I'm not just a fucking loser and that I can look after their daughter. That's if you can find it in your heart to trust me.
Your my family now, if you'll all have me. Pls don't leave me Amy, Pls. I love you so much, Blake xxx."
Blake Fielder-Civil not only sent that to Amy Winehouse, but, also to the media on HER big Grammy day. What a macaroon.
i love how he claims he loves his new family and wants to show them he's not a fucking loser....
thereby proving what a fucking loser he is...
she needs to ditch him too....
never trust a guy that has 3 last names! Never!
so he doesn't want her to dump him, now that she may have her head screwed on straight? Not to mention that with all the Grammy's under her belt now she will be making bank!
"I'm so worried that now you're thinking straight you'll realise I'm not worthy of you."
LMAO!! What a total douche this guy is. He's probably praying she relapses. Loser jerk.
I really hope Amy wakes up and sees him for what he is.
Huh? Sounds like a fake letter.
Sounds like someone was obviously messing when he said "now that you're thinking straight"
And why would he send it to the media?
And why send a letter at all?
His family abandoned him or what?
why is he in jail?
Winehouse’s husband Blake-Fielder Civil's continues to languish in jail since last fall on charges of assault and witness tampering/conspiracy.
Blake alledgedly offered BIG money (probably Amy's) to James King, the victim in an assault case he was involved in, asking he withdraw his police statement.
His trial is set for early June 08.
he's got a lot in common with Sam Lutfi
I don't buy this one either
Fucking lame ass dudes using their own patheticness to guilt a chick into staying with them! You're fucking pathetic for a reason!!! Maybe you need to work shit out with your own parents, Blake, before you find another family to mooch off!
Cry me a fucking river!
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