Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bab's Maluibu digs

That's Barbara Streisand’s cliff-top mansion in Malibu, where she lives with her miserable husband James Brolin. I hate her. I really hate her. Click the pic to see it bigger.


Barb said...

Geez! And all I want is a full bathroom on first floor so I can shower! (I am in a wheelchair and can't do stairs to get to our one shower). Some days, it just doesn't seem fair!

Anonymous said...

don't you just WISH there would be a landslide and the whole dam thing just quietly slid into the ocean below, taking barb with it?

Anonymous said...

sounds like the perfect christmas story. lia.

'And then god couldn't stand the nose-bearer anymore. And to show all mankind is might and love, he sent an earthquake. And look! Everybody was spared! Nobody was hurt. Except the nose-beared who fell in the ocean to be eaten by fish and never be seen again'.

They could make a film about it and show it every christmas.

Anonymous said...

Georgous house but id be affraid in something so big anyone could come in or be living there with you and youd never know it lol.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it looks frighteningly close to the edge, there.


Anonymous said...

I'm the only one on here that wants to live there. Good for me. See ya' sucka's!!

Anonymous said...

Lia wrote: "...just WISH there would be a landslide and the whole dam thing just quietly slid into the ocean..."

Give it time, Lia. Give it time. This is LA. Home of earthquakes, riots, wildfires and landslides.

If one doesn't get her fat-ass mansion, another is sure to.

(and don't forget, that's Malibu... where the wildfires burn all the way to the ocean)