Katie Lee Joel says she and hubby Billy Joel are thinking about expanding their family. Katie: “I’m always thinking about cute names. I always say that babies are the new Birkin. They’re the hottest accessory right now. Everybody has to have one.”
I don't know when she'd have time to take care of a baby, what with being a rocket scientist and all.
Has this crazy bitch been hanging out with Adoptalina?!
sadly! George Clooney was right. These celebutards either have a baby or adopt a baby when their careers go down hill . It appears Katie's cooking show didn't last.
That marriage is a prime example of the raging double standard in relationships where there is a significant age gap. I remember Jay Leno making nightly jokes for MONTHS, regarding Demi Moore and Ashton Kutchner. About the same time, Billy Joel married Katie. Joel is older than her father. Not one bloody word, anywhere.
You people are pathetic. Katie was making a joke as a polite way of telling a nosy interviewer that their family plans are none of their business. That should be obvious to anyone who isn't a rocket scientist. And Katie Lee voluntarily left that cooking show to become a regular with Paula Dean, Extra, and the CBS Morning show. She also has a cookbook being published by Simon and Schuster due out this spring. And they are both still very happily married. What are you doing with YOUR lives other than making snide and shitty comments about people who actually accomplish something? What a bunch of hypocritical losers you are.
Obviously you know NOTHING about dealing with the media! because if you knew sooooo much! you'd know it's wise to choose your words carefully! Joking or NOT!
BTW! What are YOU doing here MORON?! Insulting ppl while hiding behind a keyboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And another Thing! the bitch's show got CANCELLED!
Now go do the world a favor & KILL yourself! just in case Natural Selection doesn't come soon enough!
to 1:12 take your meds.! Hey fuckface, the bitch who posted this shit didn't print the entire quote - which omitted the context, the TV show was NOT canceled- it's in its 4th year, and YOU accusing ME of hiding here and insulting people is the most two-faced stinking load of crap that's been squeezed into this toilet of a website. I know more about dealing with the media than you could possibly ever conceive in that puny pile of shit inside your thick skull. This kind of slam-book judgemental, sniggering, vicious gossip is basically character assassination by a mob. You will eventually drown in your own slime in this snakepit.
Your scent is familiar righetious anon 1:12:00 & 6:55:00.
Grow up God knows your old enough. Time to get off your selfbuilt pedestal too, and go back to your 'superior' den of iniquity.
As for Katie's comment, come on they know they are in the public eye and things are going to make the sound bites, try to temper your lacking sense of humor with some common sense.
I agree with N 9:27:00 too. Theres still a raging double standard. Of those two realtionships Id put bets on Billy getting a divorce AGAIN, long before Demi & Ashton call it quits. Its not about age-numbers, its about maturity and connection.
D: OHHHHMMYYYYYGOOOOD!!! I feel sooo bad for her future children. What happens when this "hot accessory" goes out of style?
Fuck you too. Based on your infantile obsession with celebrities, and your pseudo-psychic speculation on relationships between people you know absolutely nothing about, you obviously have the 'maturity' of a mosquito larvae. And if by 'common sense', you mean the grunting cattle-herd mentality of those who like to graze at these sites, then I want nothing to do with it. I'd rather use my own sense than someone else's. I lack no sense of humor either, but I take no joy in the heaping of indignities on famous people - like the sadistic mobs who loved attending royal executions and howled for the victim's blood. You may enjoy this type of group 'schadenfreude', but it sickens me And finally, if you can't spell, or can't use basic punctuation, don't expect anyone to actually take you seriously.
Fuck you too. Based on your infantile obsession with celebrities, and your pseudo-psychic speculation on relationships between people you know absolutely nothing about, you obviously have the 'maturity' of a mosquito larvae. And if by 'common sense', you mean the grunting cattle-herd mentality of those who like to graze at these sites, then I want nothing to do with it. I'd rather use my own sense than someone else's. I lack no sense of humor either, but I take no joy in the heaping of indignities on famous people - like the sadistic mobs who loved attending royal executions and howled for the victim's blood. You may enjoy this type of group 'schadenfreude', but it sickens me. And finally, if you can't spell, or can't use basic punctuation, don't expect anyone to actually take you seriously.
The rant so nice she posted twice!
Now...what was the question again? I forgot after reading all that BS! You all are so stupid. What difference does it make to you? Who the hell cares about BJ & his wife & what they do anyway? Nobody. Last thing I heard about him he was crashing his car into houses in his neighborhood! Is he gonna be driving a baby around?
Billy Joels wife rubs me the wrong way. I caught a glance of her on Opera, and felt that she dragged poor old Billy out of the house for her self serving motive. Shes a try hard celebrity with no talent. Cooking books - common now. I wouldn't buy her stock if she was heavily discounted, offering up a 2 for 1 split, or a A+ CR.
Billy, you should pay for top pros like gov spitz and do away with that bird. I bet you'd appreciate the peace and quite.
This is pretty amusing. Funny thing is, an associate and I were just talking about a recent Oprah and this show came up. I only 'searched' to see what "Katie" looked like. Beautiful girl, but seriously. She had NEVER heard of him and didn't know any of his songs? Even at 23 I find that hard to believe. She's the a-typical groupie.
"This is my life", to quote him......I read somewhere that Billy Joel said something like "I've had the career, now I want to have the LIFE". Common folks don't really know what it's like to be a celebrity. But we do know alot about working hard, and some of us feel like we want to have the LIFE too. I know exactly what he means. Maybe he wants to have more children, he was busy devoting his life to his fans. How great to get another chance at having the things in life that matter, like love and family. I remember listening to some of his music while I was going through some terrible times in my life. Some of the songs were so beautiful, uplifting, and loving. My 28-yr-old musican son thinks he's a genius. He contributed alot of good to the world. His birthday was yesterday - HAPPY 59th BIRTHDAY, BILLY! And thank you for sharing your LIFE with everybody.
wow this place is hotter than my soaps...o wait I don't watch soaps...That must be because internet is so much better...You people are remarkable well armed verbally, I love it.
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