Britney's stay in the psych ward has been extended to at least two more weeks. She must be pretty bad off for them to be able to keep her. I just thought it was interesting that you can see her real hair in this photo. Maybe some psychiatrist can convince her to ditch the wigs. I don't give a crap that she hates her dad or what her old toothless gun totin' PeePaw has to say. If you do, go to TMZ were they seem to have a plant in the nut hut monitoring her every move. She's a sick girl and everyone in her life is an asshole.
the latest I read was that she was bi-polar which can certainly be controlled with medication. The problem is I don't think she would consistantly take any medication, so I think for her, it is going to be a long battle uphill.
she needs intensive treatment....they should keep her at least 30 days and then basically have someone with her daily after that for a few months to ensure she takes medication and understands WHY she's taking the medication....
Take out those disgusting , nappy extensions & let your natural hair come through! It's been over a year since shitney shaved her head, so her hair has to be at least 6 & 1/2 inches by now. Even if it's thin, shit-shit would be better off to do hair pieces like brAngelina does. It would look more natural than the greasy extensions.
Sorry! about the spelling BUT! point made ;)
Your own hair has to be long enough to hide the hair pieces clips and seams tho. I agree, she should just go natural. Who cares at this point?
Well some ppl that do it for a living or who are grossed out by her greasy, nappy extensions CARE!
Well, I'm thinking she has more to worry about than her hair right now. She always looked so pretty and fresh back in the day. Probably the letting herself go is just part of the disease. Hopefully if she ever gets properly medicated and back on the road to good health, she will remember that soap and water are your friends! I have a bipolar friend and it has happened two or three times in many years that she had to be hospitalized as the meds had to be re-adjusted. She'd get stuck in a horrible manic state and her behaviour was scary and heartbreaking. When that happened, she gained a huge amount of weight until they finally found correct dose. I don't know if this is the norm for everyone suffering from bipolarity, but I can't see Brit Brit sticking with her meds if that happens to her.
Well Susan ... the original article mentioned her greasy wigs & extensions! Regardless of whether Shitney needs a lobotomy ( which I think she does!) take those dirty extensions out before everyone catches something!
Part of being bi polar / manic is that once they start taking the meds and begin to feel better they think they no longer need it. Its a vicious cycle for many for years and years till the come to terms with the fact that the meds level out various chemicals in the brain and that they need it to lessen some heighten others.
It was just on CNN that the lawyer or a lawyer , i didnt see it all, was going to court to have brits father removed as co concervator of her intrests & assets.
DD said it best the ppl in her life are jerks and users, not exactly stable and supportive to urge her forward in her recovery and management of whatever mental illness shes dealing with.
"Who cares at this point?"
That comment was intended to show the importance of her getting healthy, not in her worrying about her f'g hair right now. Thats not even important. That is NOT why she's in the hospital!!! My daughter is a hairstylist & does extensions & does the hair for our NBA team cheerleaders and she wears the hair extensions as well. I know what the deal is with the damn extensions. Hers clip in & look amazing, real hair. DON'T assume you are the only person on the internet that might have an understanding about hair care. A**hole! When you are ill & in the hospital I hope all your family is worried about is your f'g hair. then how will you feel???? NOW who cares???? Brit will be great when she is well. I'm not worried about her looks, she's got that covered.
PS: the above comment is for the self proclaimed "professional stylist"...
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