Saturday, February 9, 2008

Cher on Good Morning America 2/7/08

Cher's back! And she dated Tom Cruise. Ewwww.


Anonymous said...

Awesome honesty burn on interviewer! She is soooooo entertaining!


Anonymous said...

gosh what a know-it-all, she thinks she is so smart. was surprised to hear that she is only 3 years older than me. i always thought she was at least a decade older. perhaps she has started lying about her age. anyway, poor thing, if she really is only 3 years older than me i do feel so sorry for the way she attaches so much value to youth and so mourns the loss of hers. perhaps she should go get a life or something? sad, sad, SILLY woman, mourning the loss of one thing she will never get back again. silly, silly vain, superficial woman. love her voice though, and the costumes. sorry that she is has become such a superficial mess with only a mask for a face.