Thursday, February 7, 2008

Daddy's movin' in!!!

I wasn't even going to bother with Brit's parents statement, but, then I found out they sent it to Anderson Cooper at CNN and that cracked me up. Doesn't CNN have a few other minor things they should be covering?
The Spear's: "As parents of an adult child in the throws (sic) of a mental health crisis, we were extremely disappointed this morning to learn that over the recommendation of her treating psychiatrist, our daughter Britney was released from the hospital that could best care for her and keep her safe. We are deeply concerned about our daughter's safety and vulnerability and we believe her life is presently at risk. There are conservatorship orders in place created to protect our daughter that are being blatantly disregarded. We ask only that the court's orders be enforced so that a tragedy may be averted."
So, Daddy's moving in with his daughter. This should be hilllllllll-arious. At least he won't drug her like that bastard Lufti. She's gonna be mighty pissed off though and I wonder how fast Daddy Spears can drive? My bet is the last thing he sees today are her tail lights fading over the Hollywood hills.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, he will never be able to contain her. She will sneak out with or w/o help from her pap-smears! They need to be held accountable for helping her escape if she gets out & gets injured or killed or kills someone else. This is heading to a screeching halt. I love Brit, but she seems to hate herself. It's almost too sad to watch. Her dad can try but he can't control her.

Anonymous said...

Dads moving in 'cuz he's a big husky guy & Sam & Adnan might not think they can pull sh** over on him like they do Lynne, plus it's scary being around her. I'm glad her dad is there, I hope he has a gun on him, to keep away the terrorists that Brit seems to love so much.

Anonymous said...

i can't believe Anderson would cover that...hasn't he bitched about all the britney coverage before??

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO @ pap smears.

Anonymous said...

Here's one aspect of this mess that leaves me questioning the intentions behind her involuntary committal-- Wouldn't her attending physicians have completely re-evaluated her bi-polar meds while she was in the hospital?
I anticipated seeing a very different woman emerge from the psych ward-- at the very least, I thought she'd be somewhat sedated and "on an even keel", so to speak.

And yet since her early release she's been out running amok and displaying *exactly* the same crazy, impulsive and dangerous behaviors as before!

Before her committal, I had understood that her psychiatrist was actually *living* at the estate for the time being, as Britney's mental condition was so precarious. Where is she now? Why all the drama about who should be there to "dose" Britney with her "drug cocktails"?

Or, hey... why can't these nitwits simply make arrangements for a FULL-TIME REGISTERED NURSE to be on-duty to care for Britney's medical needs? God knows, she can afford it and Daddy has the legal authority to make it happen. Why must it be soooo complicated?

And why hasn't Osama Lutfi been served with that restraining order!?? It's no secret that he's been dodging the process server--- but his intentional avoidance is actually a crime in itself! He's been photographed out and about recently... so why isn't he being served?! WTF?

This whole business is becoming nuttier by the day.

Anonymous said...

I have been wondering if Britney's parents didn't orchestrate the whole psych ward commital thing to get her out of the house the get Lufti away from her. If so it was a good move.

Anonymous said...

cuocake makes a valid point, and it makes as much sense as anything else in this ongoing drama.

If she was truly bi polar and aa danger to herself or others & actually on ligit meds they wouldnt release her several days later. Obviously theres more going on then we know about and this Lufti crap is the tip of the iceberg so to speak. Maybe hes been drugging her up this whole time which would add to the massive mind trip hes taken her on.

I actually feel really sorry for her.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 4:08.. however I have thought all along that she is bipolar. I do think tho that a lot of the recent weirdness was probably the work of Lufti, after reading the restraining order thing. Like I wrote elsewhere, she WAS complaining about ppl taking her phones and borrowing pap's phones on the recent videos etc. It substantiates some of what I read in the restraining order thing. I think she was just vulnerable and since everyone thought she was crazy anyway it was easier for this guy Lufti to drug and manipulate her and I do think it was a really smart move on her parents' part to take control like that. And sorry for all my typos.

Anonymous said...

& you guys...maybe HE is the reason she wasn't getting all those calls about her hearings!!! He was trying to eff her up & make things worse so she would "need" him more & he could "rescue" her. Remember they said her phones ween't working so she didn't know about her hearings? It's probably true, plus if she was being drugged up she really wasn't too aware of what was happening anyway & he kept her under control & told her was taking care of all the bad people for her!!! She grew dependant on him just as he wanted her to & she mistook that for love or caring. When it is actually manipulation. He is evil & should be arrested. I don't think Adnan should be around her either, she needs all different companions, trustworthy people. Hired licensed health & security professionals.

Anonymous said...

He reminds me of Krueger.. Freddy Krueger