Sigh, Dakota Fanning has pulled out of a movie roll with her little sister Elle because Dakota refused to shave her head. The movie "My Sister's Keeper" is the story of a young girl who sues for emancipation from parents who conceived her as a genetic match so she could prolong the life of her ailing older sister. Dakota has been replaced, and word is.... by Sofia Vassilieva, that really cute kid from Medium.
But, here's the weird part..not only will Dakota give up the film and keep her hair, but, she took her sister Elle with her. Elles part will be played now by Abigail Breslin, Little Miss Sunshine.
Listen up, Dakota Fanning, even though you and now your sister have been adorably smashing me in the face with your adorable selves in movies, TV, magazines, posters and coffee mugs for a long time now, you are NOT known for your hair. Here's the truth..you Fanning girls have awful hair and it's good that there are lots of serious roles for mop topped moppets. Sofia has a real reason to bitch, that girl has gorgeous down to her butt blonde locks. This just proves what I've suspected for a while now...Dakota Fanning is not smarter than me. You had me worried for a bit, Dakota. I'm good now.
I've read that book, and the replacements are much better suited for teh parts than the fanning sisters...
EW! Dakota=Kirsten Dundst Part Duex!!
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