It's his naked wife surrounded by stars. Awwww. Ewwwww. Awwwww. Ewwwww.
Sorry for the lag in posts today..they shut off my cable. The buttcracks came out yesterday to shut off my neighbors cable and shut off mine by mistake. I caught them at the truck and they turned it back on. But, they forgot to shut his off..so they came back today and did the same damn thing again. I just got back. It's like a tard circus.
At least no trees got shot.
You have very special cableguys.
Indeed. Oh, trees with bullets in 'em...I know you!
Yeah, special cable guys.
Your pain is my daily chuckle (laughing WITH you!)
Jim Carey - cable guys?
Ugly butt cracks.
He has boys! Why would he want that out there for them & the world to see? I heard she was very flattered. He's got her, they have 3 boys, they have remained married surprisingly & he still honors her like this?? it ain't my cup-o-tea but dayum. If HE did that for me I'd be thanking god, down on my kness *he*he* He truly loves his wife. Thats super great that he wants to show it. It's weird & nakey but great too.
What is it with guys putting naked women on their arms ? I don't get it ! I have a friend who has a naked women tattooed on his arm and I think that it is gross !! Is that really something that you want your kids to see ??
I hope the tattoo artist made her implants look better than they do in real life.
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