I got up too early the other morning and as I was blurry eyed and sipping my coffee I turned to QVC and saw an entire show called "Organize It ALL!" That irritating genius Joy Mangano was hawking her huggable hangers and they were flying out of the warehouse. Sold out! What? Now, I'm not about to drop a hundred bucks on hangers, but, that didn't stop me from being bummed that I couldn't have them at the daily special price (with easy pay!) Damn, I need those hangers.
If I don't get those hangers, my life is shit. Shit, I tell you! They also had organizers for the car, the remote controls, your purse, the kitchen and bathroom and any other crap ladden, shit strewn place in your life. I swear, they could show a cardboard pizza box and we'd buy it thinking we could organize some piece of our out of control life. In fact, the other day I saw a website where some chick was practically orgasmic because she'd found a "green" file cabinet made out of recycled cardboard. I thought, umm, that's a friggin' cardboard box, but, I'm not putting her down. I understand.
The reality is, we can't control a damn thing. We have to much to do. How can we be expected to keep our kids safe and raise them to be good people, communicate with our partner, be great at our jobs and keep the home fires burning if we can't even find two shoes that match?? So we seek organization and hope that by putting material things in order we might have a popcorn fart in a hurricane's chance of getting some peace. And there isn't much hope in this lifetime that people like me won't crave and dream about huggable hangers. We could just buy less crap, but, let's not get crazy. If we didn't have crap would we be as happy as that old dude who used to live off the land and eat pine nuts? I want more crap. Crap makes me feel like I have something going for me even if I am a slob buried in..........crap. I don't think it's my closets that need help as much as the old brain cells. I'll look for a brain cell organizer on QVC..I'm sure they'll have one. Maybe Tori Spelling will make it, or Paula Abdul! Whatever..where are my clean socks? Peace out.
The reality is, we can't control a damn thing. We have to much to do. How can we be expected to keep our kids safe and raise them to be good people, communicate with our partner, be great at our jobs and keep the home fires burning if we can't even find two shoes that match?? So we seek organization and hope that by putting material things in order we might have a popcorn fart in a hurricane's chance of getting some peace. And there isn't much hope in this lifetime that people like me won't crave and dream about huggable hangers. We could just buy less crap, but, let's not get crazy. If we didn't have crap would we be as happy as that old dude who used to live off the land and eat pine nuts? I want more crap. Crap makes me feel like I have something going for me even if I am a slob buried in..........crap. I don't think it's my closets that need help as much as the old brain cells. I'll look for a brain cell organizer on QVC..I'm sure they'll have one. Maybe Tori Spelling will make it, or Paula Abdul! Whatever..where are my clean socks? Peace out.
you know, when you see something that is an 'organizer' like those hangers, you can rig up your own...yarn, twist ties, etc, will have the same effect of connecting hangers to each other...
sometimes it's fun (creativity you know ;) to make something similar to those 'seen on tv' and it can give you a smug sense of satisfaction that you saved money!!!
but yeah, it is just easier to just go buy it....
i always say 'if i was organized i'd be dangerous'....
the scary thing is i KNOW where everything is in the junky piles and when i try to organize i can't find diddly....
After the popcorn fart in a hurricane comment, I blew coca-cola all over the computer....
I don't think it is having or not having crap that will make us more or less happy. I think the problem is when we truly believe that said crap will or should make us happy.
I am a freak when it comes to organizing, though. Sometimes I have to deliberately mess things up because I am worried about developing OCD. It sounds weird but I kind of envy people that can have things strewn all over the place.
i watched too much Bewitched and I Dream of Jeanie growing up and think that anyday now i'll be able to twitch my nose, or nod my head and everything will be magically exactly how/where i want it!
You crack me up DD. Stuff like this makes my day.
Aren't these... ordinary hangers?
No, they are the amazing huggables...nothing falls off, ever! Oh, and I don't think owning crap will make me happy, I just can't pass up a bargain. Paying half price for crap makes me happy.
lol!!! my crap brings me comfort too...it's sunday and I'd better get to Target before they run out of crap and I have to get a raincheck...
Thanks for the laugh DD. I love a good buy myself. I can't pass up a sale. Do you yard sale?
this discussion reminds me of that rubbermaid commercial from a few years ago where the family buys rubbermaid storage containers, gets everything stored and then proclaims "WE GOTTA GO BUY MORE STUFF"...
I have GSTS on my car (garage sale tracking system)
Hey, that's MY closet!! (the disorganized one LOL) Don't feel bad DD. My house is clean and neat on the outside but in those hidden spaces in my drawers and closet there are many sad and totally disorganized messes..No matter how many times I clean and organize, It just seems to magically morph back into a a tangled mess of twisted hangers and old panty-hose magically looped and tangled through bra-straps. I too wish for a magic solution, but like some of my fellow posters on here, somehow I seem to be able to find anything no matter where in the jumble it may be!
I just have to add my 2 cents re: HSN/Joy Mangano's "Huggable Hangers". After I'd spent a bloody fortune outfitting my closet with the latest can't-live-without item-- a friend told me to check out www.hangershop.com.
The originals from HSN break down to approx. $1.25 ea, while the Hangershop variety run 75 cents. I decided to buy extras from Hangershop as a comparison and there was virtually no diff, with the exception of price! Adding insult to injury, there was an additional 10% off sale at the time.
So..... are these 'organizational wonders' really so wonderful?
Absolutely. Now they don't connect to increase hanging space vertically-- Their greatest feature-- apart from the velvet "flocking" that prevents clothes slippage-- is that they're so thin you can fit more than twice the amount of clothing in the same hanging space. And they're still strong enough to hold up to heavier winter garments.
*An added bonus- They're great for travel. I can store many more hanging items in my garment bag than with standard hangers, and the clothes stay put!
www.hangershop.com :-)
Jees do you have shares in www.hangershop.com? I must have me some of those though. DUH it never occurred to me that THIN hangers make for more room! I live in a house with no built-in wardrobes, have done so since I moved here in 1991. The rooms are small anyway, and wardrobes cost too much. Can you imagine the cost of the set-up labeled 'organized'? change the label to 'BORING' i say. how can you have a real fashion crises without a disorganized mess of clothes, bags, scarves and shoes to scrummage through? I try to make do with a clothes rack and some shelving and ATTEMPT to keep my collection of clothes to a minimum. Very, very difficult because my favorite pastime is buying clothes at bargain prices anyplace, anytime. And what I can't afford to buy I try to make.
Yeah, plastic hangers are thick & space hogs. But we aren't suppose to use wire hangers, so we don't! Then we have no space! Joy Mangano is the Bill Gates of organization sales! I wish I had her money. Have you noticed how her physical appearance has morphed over the last few years? She used to look average,and that helped her seem real but now she's "uptown"!! If anybody has a cure for the pile of bills & junk mail that I get everyday & have no place to put, please tell me! Sometimes I am drowning in paper!! I won't throw it away, what if I need it later? It's awful. I'm getting better, I have been able to sort the junk out lately but what do I do about the bills? Joy Mangano- "HELP"!!!
I like when Joy reminds you every two minutes that she designed her award winning snack trays from her $10,000 dining table. Down to earth, that one.
"Jees do you have shares in www.hangershop.com?"
Don't I wish.
Nah, just enthusiastic about not spending more than necessary and wanted to pass the word.. heh
Anon 9:06-
I have a suggestion for your disorganized "bills". I had the same problem. I was constantly misplacing monthly statements and occasionally went past-due simply because I couldn't keep track of where the damn things WERE.
Eventually I discovered a useful solution.. It's a rectagular wooden box with 30 slots across the top that correspond with the days of the month-- 01-30. When a bill comes in, open it right away to see when it's due. Place it in that date. (I choose a slot a few days before it's due to allow time for processing)
It's really helped me keep track of my monthly bills. Of course, it doesn't work if you don't put the bills *IN* it... lol.
I've seen these boxes here and there, but they're more easily found in those throwaway 'household helper' catalogues like "Carol Wright".
Maybe someone else knows where to find 'em?
Good Luck!
Anon 1:15. You are too sweet. Thank you!! I work 50+ hrs a week & have little time to be organized, so a slot/mail system would maybe help, if I was diciplined enough to stay with it & not just shove stuff in there to not have to see it. I pay almost all my bills online and am never late & post-its at my office help me to remember. But it sucks to have to suddenly be supporting yourself! 4 years now, I guess thats not a new thing for me. Still stinks. Now...the real tuff one...anybody got any ideas on how to pay the da*m things?? I need to win the lottery or marry Joy Mangano, but I'm not a lez...dammit!!
Wow! I just got my order of Mangano hangers at almost half price from Hangershop.com the quality looks to be the same exact! Thanks Anonymous!
She sells her stuff on HSN genius ;), not QVC.
QVC, on the other hand, does have SOME standards, LOL.
You can read all of the HORRIBLE reviews on Joy's products here:
She sells inferior products to gullible people.
Hosts Shannon Smith (Can she say, "and the thing is" once more, and knowingly sell inferior merchandise to people and still sleep?), Callie Northhagen(Can she look herself in the mirror, after her misleading presentations as well?), and a few others at HSN have disgraceful and slimy sales tactics, which are full of untruths and exaggerated claims.
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