Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Diva in the making

11 year old Lourdes visits a nail salon in Bev Hills yesterday. She was there with a bodyguard. Her brothers, David and Rocko got a shopping spree at Toys R US.


Anonymous said...

Lourde's is cute & slender. She's old enough to go for an occasional mani-pedi, she is really into fashion too I hear. What 11 year old girl isn't nowdays?? Roco is a clone of daddy and all boy too. Cute kids. This girl will need braces soon tho or else she will have her moms gappy teeth.

Anonymous said...

In aother 7 years she will be the photo of Rummer you have posted below. Another worthless spawn of celebutard parents.

Anonymous said...

If Maddie let's her get mani's and pedi's ... why not shoot the works and wax that uni-brow?

Anonymous said...

Oh, ferchrissakes leave Lourdes alone. By all accounts, Madge keeps her on a really tight leash and she's said to be a polite, sweet/shy, respectful kid who does really well in school.

So what if she's into fashion and "mani-pedi's"? Better that than drugs and alcohol. Even though she's still a 'tween, I don't see anything wrong or "diva-like" about having her nails done. We may not have done it when we were her age-- I didn't-- but time's have changed.

Madonna's decision to raise her kids overseas and out of the Hollywood limelight was a good one. "Lola" doesn't compare to some of those over-the-top Beverly Hills brats we read about on a daily basis. And the influence of her father, Carlos, has likely been instrumental in keeping her well-grounded. She spends considerable time with him in NYC and he lives a life vastly different from the 'material world' of Madonna, Inc.

As for her future, expect to see Lourdes continue her education. And even though she probably will work in "the business", I doubt she'll try to follow in her momma's footsteps. Something behind the scenes or in the business end of the entertainment field could be a strong possibility.

Sure, she's only 11 and anything could happen-- but Lourdes is going to surprise everyone.. More power to her!

Anonymous said...

i agree with nicky nicardo....

madonna has pretty much done it all....i don't think she'll let Lourdes make some of her same mistakes and her dad does, as nicky says, show her another side of life.....

i think she's going to turn out okay....i really do....

check back with me in 6/7 years...but i think she's going to do alright...

Anonymous said...

Nicky Nicardo-- "by all accounts...?" I have heard several accounts that she is anything BUT how you describe her. She has been described by many of Madonna's staff (ex and present) as a bitchy little fuck who is mean to her brother and demands respect from ADULTS. PLEASE.She has no choice but to grow up a spoiled, entitled little twat-- it's in her genetics AND her upbringing.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 5:54 wrote:
Nicky Nicardo-- "by all accounts...?" I have heard several accounts that she is anything BUT how you describe her. She has been described by many of Madonna's staff (ex and present) as a bitchy little fuck who is mean to her brother and demands respect from ADULTS. PLEASE.She has no choice but to grow up a spoiled, entitled little twat-- it's in her genetics AND her upbringing.

First of all, these days Madonna hires the best employees money can buy. Furthermore, no one is hired without first signing the most air-tight confidentiality agreement her high-priced attorney's can draft. They'd have to be insane to mess with Madge.

I do recall certain disgruntled "ex" employees speaking out against Madonna --personally-- years ago before she was as legally-equipped, but "ex's" with an axe to grind these days are S.O.L. unless they want to be sued into next year.

That takes care of the "ex" employees.

Do you seriously believe one of her *current* employees would risk their job, be sued and probably never work for anyone in the entertainment field again-- just to spread a little hateful goss about her kid? Especially such specific remarks that would be easy to trace.

Frankly, the accounts you described read like something from the National Enquirer. A questionable source, at best.

I live in the Los Angeles area and frequent various establishments (shops, salons & restaurants) which celebrities have also visited. My accounts are personal, otherwise I wouldn't have gone out on a limb to defend Lourdes.

As for her genetics-- no argument there! But she has her father's genes too, and as I wrote initially, he's had a hand in her upbringing-- as has Guy Ritchie-- and I'm sure that's had a positive effect on the adult she will become. I certainly hope so.

Anonymous said...

why do you all care so much how this little kid grows up? Do they care how you are doing? Do they defend you? Do they care if you live or die? Enough already with the stupid "Lourdes" arguments. Give her time & leave her alone, she's gonna do what she wants to do, just like her mom did. Good, bad or indifferent. I personally don't care. I have my own children to care about & my own existance to manage. Gawd, "madge"??? Wow! Worship her much?

Anonymous said...

Then why don't u stay the fuck off the net and watch ur kids supermama? Why are u on a celeb blog anyway??

Anonymous said...

Shiiiiiiit. The first time I went to a nail salon when I was a 3rd grader, they almost gave me dragon lady nails!