Saturday, February 9, 2008

Does Tyra poo herself?

Fabian Basabe (Paper Mags Fashion Week reporter dude) ..."I arranged to do it backstage at the tents in the w suite. Just when I start getting comfortable and ready, a group of madmen and madwomen storm in and take possession of the suite because... ready?... Tyra Banks messed herself and needed to change. Now, let's break this down: messing oneself should not happen if you are older that 5 or younger than 90. if it happens and in fact you are older than 5 or younger that 90, then it should be one, single, very unfortunate episode which will bound you to be made fun of forever and you can't complain about it. Now I would like to bring to your attention that Tyra's people carried a change of clothes for her at NYC fashion week. Hmmmh... could it be that Tyra messed herself before? or just that her entourage is so organized that in case tyra would ever, maybe, possibly mess herself that one time, they have a change of clothes? I don't know..."
He's saying Tyra shits herself and probably does it on a regular basis. True or sour grapes, either way it's fun to see Tyra pissed off.


Anonymous said...

i read that that ALLI diet stuff causes leaky maybe she's on that??

Anonymous said...

Or maybe she takes laxatives to lose weight like Britney. Taking laxatives sounds like the most disgusting "diet" ever. That ALLI stuff doesn't sound much better.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I can laugh at this, sound like a serious medical on WANTS to poop on themselves, do they?

Anonymous said...

what about that fat-free chips? Maybe Doofus Banks had a handfull of them ...

Anonymous said...

Maybe she needs a cork !

Anonymous said...

watch her have a week of shows on this....women who poo themselves and how to empower your poo leaking ass and not be ashamed...

Anonymous said...

Fabian Basabe isn't that douchebag that spent his days claiming being a south-american millionare?

does Perez already forget to hate this guy?

Is Fabian Basabe still rich or what?

so many questions...

Barb said...

Fabian Basabe is an insufferable a.....e. He was on that reality cowboy show, and showed us what true rich turds act like!

He never had an ounce of compassion for anyone. Not that Tyra needs compoassion, but I cannot beleive anyone who has an accident in public is anything less than humiliated about it. It seems disturbing the way media jumps on these occasions with such glee. Wish they had better things to write about, and that they remember that some things come right back at ya...sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

Does she still want people to kiss her fat ass, and where can I get those laxative chips??

Anonymous said...

I'm not defending Tyra, but I recall and early-days episode of ANTM wherein she admitted to suffering from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)...

... or maybe she just admitted to being an insufferable bowel?


Anonymous said...

who hasn't been away from home shopping or w/e & had this happen? I have driven home at very illegal speeds to avoid this happening to me! If the cops pull me over it wouldn't be long before they'd know why I was speeding! They'd have to let me go!