If you don't have neighbors, Peacocks make really really great pets. I never kept him in a cage, didn't need to. Eru was loyal and loved playing with kids, hide and seek and chasing games. He liked sleeping on the porch swing and would sit in my lap every chance he got, which was annoying (but sweet) since they are a LARGE bird. He wasn't messy like the geese and wouldn't poo where he slept. He ate nothing but dry cat food. He also humped the mailbox once a year because I never could find him a mate. But, he was a wonderful loving pet and lived many years. I just thought maybe you'd like to see him.
you're too cool.
and Eru was very beautiful.
Peacocks are very LOUD!!!! Remember the one they had on the Walton's? I didn't know how loud they were until I saw that. A live, walking jewel!! Sounds like he is no longer with us tho, sorry. :(
Old age got him. Yeah they are very loud, that's why I said no neighbors. He didn't yell all the time though, only when he wanted something.
Can they fly???
Wow beautiful!
Never heard of someone having a peacock pet before!
He could fly really well. He'd roost in the tallest trees, the barn and house roof and he'd follow my car for a half mile then fly home. He liked riding in the car too.
Wow, what a beauty Eru was. I really thought peacocks couldn't fly for some reason. The things you learn on these celebrity gossip blogs LOL!
What a cool little guy! My great-uncle had a hobby farm when I was little and he had a pair of peacocks. They were super loud but at least they didn't chase me around the barnyard like his "watch geese" did! I love his name too!
Doesn't Hef have some white peacocks? They are fab too.
The white ones are gorgeous. Did you know the tail is a seasonal thing and at the end of summer it all falls out? Then they look like a bald ass turkey from behind 'till spring. You can gather the feathers though.
It's a mating tool, correct? Thus the term "cock of the walk"...Peacock after some Peahen nooky!!!
Or a mailbox. Heh.
Lovely Eru!
we have lots of Peacock roaming around our big park we have in the city - mostly they stay in an area around the little miniature train - I think they like people and wanted to watch all of us waving and taking pictures of them. Both colours are beautiful creatures and it doesn't surprise me DD that you had one. If nothing else only because it was an animal that needed a home and I don't think you can every say no to that.
Nice Pic.
Hahaha....DD you are the epitome of awesome :D
that's awesome. & you did a nice thing taking him in. sounds like he had a good life, maybe not a normal "peacock" life but it sounds like he enjoyed it & that's what counts. did you guys hear about that lord in england that has a peacock that attacks blue cars, the story came out probably like a month ago.
very elegant, I'm going to look into it!
What a great story. What a great bird... Thanks for the day-brightener.
Hope you'll continue to give us those animal stories!
I miss Eru! He was cool, but he would spread his wings and chase my racoons around the yard. I think they liked it though. lol
Casey J.
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