Redmond O'Neal, son of Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O'Neal, has been busted for DUI and drug possession.....again. He was speeding, DUI and had heroin and meth. All the O'Neal kids are fucked up and I guess Redmond is no exception. It's too bad for his mom though, who had to return from Germany where she was getting cancer treatments. ET reported that Farrah is cancer free, but, do you believe that? She had anal cancer and that was cured, then it showed up again last May in her liver. I hope she's cured, I really do. Her son is a douche to do this to her now.
Sadly, I doubt she is cancer free yet. Once it hit your liver your chances go way down. But Lance Armstrong had it all over, even in his brain! & look at him!!! So, lets hope she is going to be fine. I like her alot, always have. But this kid needs his ass kicked. This is the last thing she needs. This family reminds me of the Brando's. In-fighting & drugs & violence between family members. Stress is really bad for a cancer patient. Gawd! Redmond. How could you??? Ryan better handle this.
Her hair looks great too considering what she's been thru! Her son looks like a total dork, idiot,spoiled brat & no doubt a huge asshole.
it how he was raised that has a lot to do with how he is.
Umm, if you're at all familiar with the O'Neal family saga you would know that in fact Ryan has beat the shit out of Redmond and his other kids plenty of times. Fuck both Farrah and Ryan--I hope Redmond can escape the crazy his family had wrought on him.
I remember when he was born. He's named after her father or g'dad. Redmond & Jacklyn Smith's kids have to be in their 30's or nearly so. Ryan is a big prick, thats a well known fact. So is his son Griffon(?). Surprisingly, I have been hearing that Ryan has stood by Farrah thru her illness. But that hasn't stopped his being a dick to everybody. Redmond should be a grown up now tho. Just because you have a horrible father is no excuse for bad behavior, if that was true we'd all be in prison!!!!
Redmond O’Neal, the son of actors Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O’Neal, has been busted for DUI and drug possession. This is the second time this has happened to Redmond.
On January 26 at around 3:20 AM, Los Angeles County Sheriffs pulled over the 23-year-old for speeding on PCH in Malibu, and arrested him for DUI, felony possession of heroin and methamphetamine. Redmond was released on $10,000 bail. No court date has been set.
In 2005, Redmond pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine and methamphetamine. According to the National Enquirer, Redmond has been in rehab a dozen times.
In 2007, Ryan got into a fight with his other son, Griffin, after Griffin allegedly tied Redmond to a staircase. Griffin claimed to have found Redmond unresponsive and feared his brother had overdosed, so he chained Redmond to a banister to prevent him from leaving to get drugs.
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