Kirstie Alley got fired from Jenny Craig. I can't imagine why. Everyone wonders why Kirstie can't call on Scientology to cure her fat ass since they're the answer to everything. Blaaaa..if Scientology could cure a fat ass, I'd have been a Scientologist a long time ago. Go have some more ice cream, Kirstie. Queen Latifah can take it from here.
good point re: scientology and fatness....why can't they cure that?? they're the only ones who can help after a car wreck but they can't help you if you're fat??
lol @ scientology & fat
I want to see the little general speak on this dilema.Obesity in her case and for many of us is an illness. But, we know that he could wipe that problem right away for her. Have at it, Tom!
Too bad, Kirsty! Unless Tom really does possess all that power,you are SOL!
All I can say is 'BOUT TIME! Seriously, who did Jenny Craig/Kirstie really think they were fooling?
Especially when photos of the "real-life Kirstie" would show up in magazine photos carrying an armload of chinese take-out--- at the time Kirstie's JC ads were airing.
When Val Bertinelli signed on, Kirstie gained even more and JC went to ridiculous lengths to disguise the truth in new ads: A bloated Kirstie cinched into a black dress, or shown behind the wheel of a CAR(what brainiac was responsible for that one?), or appearing on the telephone (with Val) from the waist up-only.
I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. I was even open to the suggestion that all those unflattering photos had been maliciously 'shopped. And then... I SAW HER in the flesh. It was at a restaurant in LA in Jan. of '07 and she was big by anyone's standards.
I knew she'd lost a significant amount of weight on JC initially... but when she started packing it back on they should have fired her ass there and THEN rather than pull such a con job on the public.
She voided the contract but still they worked with her to fool people into thinking she'd been successful on the "Jenny" plan and "KEPT IT OFF". You'd think that when a person reaches the ripe old age of... well, "my" age... they wouldn't be surprised by such blatant bs, but really, I'm *not* surprised. I'm pissed.
She didn't "keep it off" five minutes, and I hope anyone who's considering using JC-- decides against it. The bottom line is that "diets" don't work. Losing weight is never easy but moderation mixed with exercise is a good start. You don't need pills, shakes, dehydrated "food" and you certainly don't need Jenny Craig. "Have you called Jenny yet?" The diet industry rakes in 30 billion a year and the only thing that gets thinner is your wallet.
Poor Kirstie's weight is up again, and so is her middle finger.
She didn't "keep it off" five minutes, and I hope anyone who's considering using JC-- decides against it. The bottom line is that "diets" don't work. Losing weight is never easy but moderation mixed with exercise is a good start. You don't need pills, shakes, dehydrated "food" and you certainly don't need Jenny Craig. "Have you called Jenny yet?" The diet industry rakes in 30 billion a year and the only thing that gets thinner is your wallet.
Well said, nicky.
Ally....you go girl...eat your heart out, literally
its just a gimmick to sell food. Expensive food. Who can afford that sh**? Kirstie was gorgeous back in the day. She got fat after her Hardy Boy left her. Remember she said in a speech that he had "the big one"? LMAO! She's funny but look how she's slobbering all over that cone? She is an emotional eater. She also once admitted to being a chain smoker, Marlboro Reds. Does she still smoke?
Kirstie actually isn't that big if you notice her waist and arms look slim. She has wide hips, but I don't think she's ever gotten back to her Star Trek weight! Vee-Ger!! Vee-Ger!
this site is weird. PEREZ IS BETTER!
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