Friday, February 15, 2008

Gary's still a midget virgin

Gary Coleman married a giant with huge teeth, she's so much bigger than him she could stick a wire through him and wear him as an earring or an IUD, except she doesn't need an IUD because even though they've been married for six months, she hasn't slept with him yet.
40 year old Gary says he and Shannon will have sex when the time is right and for the right reasons. Gary, you're butt ugly, stupid as a post, obnoxious and broke. There is no right time.


Anonymous said...

Well then...why did they get married at all? I don't get this. It isn't for his money. Maybe they are hoping for a reality show? 1 episode will deal with him being deflowered!!! Thats not even a joke! & if he's butt ugly, WTH is she? Not much better! Sasquatch!

Dirty Disher said...

She's an actress..way to get noticed.

Anonymous said...

Get this: Princess Bigfoot actually works for Gary, selling his crap "memorabilia" on eBay!

That's how the happy couple came together... er, so to speak.

Anonymous said...

"what you talkin' bout Willis?" He married "The Gooch"-this has got to be for publicity....

hart734 said...

maybe, just maybe, he was seeking companionship. I certainly am not a fan of his (who is?). He might have been lonely, and wanted someone to have dinner with an watch tv. But, then again, the HW people mostly do not resemble normal people.

Anonymous said...

they make my head hurt just looking at them...
-cheeky monkey