Friday, February 1, 2008

Get off the stage, Paris

Our favorite bisexual ass whore ParAss Hilton was hosting the Super Bowl party for 944 magazine last night and 50 Cent was performing. ParAss jumped up on stage and started that crippled epileptic white girl stuff she does and 50 said (into the mic) "Get the fuck off the stage"...ParAss jumped down screaming "But, it's MY party" and started bawling.
LMAOOOOOO! Oh, man, someone buy that dude a drink on me.


Anonymous said...

LMFAO she always starts crying like a stupid little girl.

Anonymous said...

She's probably too drunk to know what has happened! She just got pushed off the stage & cried like a baby about it. 'fiddy is da' man now!!! She doesn't wanna f**k wit 'fiddy! I love it. Fiddy for Prez!!!

Anonymous said...

Ugh,just look at her rubbing her boobs thinking she is just soooo sexy. This is what I hate about her, no class at all. Where does she get off jumping on stage and trying to get the attention on to herself? She can't even dance, looks like an idiot. So glad he told her to get the f off the stage!!!She needs to be humiliated a little, she's so full of herself. And those crying pics, priceless!! Boo Fu*king Hoo!


Anonymous said...

loved that - it made my day.


Anonymous said...

Susan...Boo Fu*king Hoo!

I have no idea at all what you bleeped out!!! LMAO!!! So what did you mean??? Explain please.

Major Majormajor said...

Thanks for my schadenfreude moment of the day, DD.

Anonymous said...

Perfect ending to a work-week! yay! Thanks for the laffs Paris. What a dumb-ass.

Anonymous said... there a video of this???

Anonymous said...

"That's Hot"

Anonymous said...

"That's Hot" !!!!!! LMFAO
3:10 - You is a SMARTASS!! AND FUNNY!!

Anonymous said...

HUMILIATION !!! awesome. priceless. Try to buy your pride back, beyotch!
