"I'm so excited for my baby to be brown. I just have to believe that the dark gene is going to survive." Pregnant Jessica Alba hopes her baby has her fiance Cash Warren's African-American genes.
How many times can I type shut the fuck up in one week?
she's beautiful but her features are distinctly hispanic, slightly brown, and the the father of her baby is at least half african american, you know how those babies were called in colonial Mexico?
whenever you are tired. Whenevcer you are sad. Whenever you feel like the dumbest man alive, just read something Jessica said. It really helps.
I know two or three 'famous' Jessicas and every simgle one of them is an idiot. Maybe the name is cursed?
What does her statement even mean?
Please shes no more hispanic looking then Katie Holmes-Cruise is. What all dark haired women with pale olive tonned skin are automaticly hispanic?
She's playing up the last name for all its worth 'cause it gives her a solid base audience, just the way Oprah plays the ethnic card.
JA's statement was ignorant and if it came from someone obviously 'white' would have been called racist.
Anon 1:50:00
PLEASE shut up! Even I can tell she has hispanic features, maybe you should go to Southern California to study.
Her mom is white and her dad is hispanic.
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