Saturday, February 16, 2008

Madonna Filth & Wisdom Clip

Uhhhh, I'm pretty much agreeing with the critics after watching this crap.


Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm not "with it" so to speak, but what the hell is this??
And what does it has to do with Madonna? I will admit, I fast-forwared it so I'm not sure if Madonna was in it or not. Whatever it is, it is totally boring.


Anonymous said...

I'm with ya Sue - I fast-forwarded too. WTF?


Anonymous said...

As did I.

I thought Dish decided to surprise us all with a little Saturday afternoon porno.


Anonymous said...

Ok, I did my homework,(which I should have done before commenting in the first place) and this "masterpiece" is Madge's first attempt at directing. There was an article in our local paper this morning about it with a humble quote from Madonna..."I admire Jean-Luc Goddard and Federico Fellini and hope that I may one day make something close to their genius"
Keep hoping, Madge!
I agree with you DD.

Susan (Sue)

Anonymous said...

Ugh. Porn, and not even interesting porn. The "directing" is high school level. Can't stop rich people with contacts from assuming they have talent that they don't have, but thank God they can't make us watch.


Anonymous said...

This is an extract from the short film "Filth and Wisdom" that Madonna wrote and directed, and was premiered on the 13th of Feb. The actors are British and Ukrainian, and it was filmed here in London. Good for her to make a British film. Vicky from another British film "This is England" a very good British actor. "This is England" recently one a BAFTA for best British film! Eugene Hutz, singer from Gogol Bordello is an absolutely brilliant musicion/performer and hilarious actor. See the film "Everything is Illuminated", which he is fab in. Holly Weston just starting out in her film career, well she just looks sweet. Yes we support British films. Better then the American drivel we all continuosly go to see week in/out at the cinema.