Pink's done with her husband. How many of us know his name? Not me. Well, NOW I do. Carey Hart. Carey has been photographed dry humping strange females lately that are not his wife, so we kinna saw this coming. I like Pinks music and she's a cool chick, I hope she finds what she's looking for, but, I wouldn't speculate on what that is. Or what planet it might be from.
Carey's a cool dude. I like him & I watched his reality show too. The one about his tatoo parlor thats in The Palms in Vegas. Good show, then it started being about the punk kid that worked there & I stopped watching. It started to suck when Thomas left & got married. All downhill from there. I am not alone on that. Thomas was da' man! Anyway, I bet Carey got tired of coming home & finding random chicks in his bed with his wife, right? It's no wonder he strayed & it was after they were toast. I like Pink but I could never quite put those 2 t'gthr anyways. She's just so butch.
maybe he just wanted to meet people with a vagina? Being married to a dude in drag must have been pretty strenuous for him.
he smiles like that bitch P. Diddy
I don't know much about him, other than his poor taste in women. As far as Pink goes; I think she is a no talent fabricated lower tier celebutard. Her and Avril strike me as posers.
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