I've been ignoring the ParAss Hilton is a lesbo rumors and photos (of her and Elisha Cuthbert) because they bore me and I've always thought she was a lesbo. But, this cracked me up..
*It's false," a rep for the Simple Life star tells OK!. "Elisha and Paris are good friends and Elisha has a boyfriend. Paris doesn't kiss girls."*
But, IDLYITW found a pic of ParAss with Eglantina Zingg and that be kissing, my friends. And you know there's more if you cared to go look, which I don't. She's probably better off kissing girls than some of the skank men she's been seen with. But, maybe they weren't skank until they met her. My point is..don't say you don't do something if there's pics and film of you doing it, stupid head.
At least one of the pix with EZ (ha!) was on Paris's hacked phone a couple of yrs ago. Obviously it meant a lot to her.
In her Contacts, "Eglantina" was "Eggplant" because (pick one) Paris is stupid, Paris doesn't respect names from other cultures, Paris likes her some juicy veggies.
She is such a skank and an attention whore and she's dumb as a door besides that. I can't stand to look at her or even hear her talk in that fake, breathy little girl's voice. So annoying, finger nails on a blackboard. She's always reminded me of one of those weird goon creatures on the old Popeye cartoons. Anyone remember them?
This looks like a dude. The hands & the way they touch her even. It looks intense. I believe Paris would do w/e...single, doubles or 3-way...anything. Why wouldn't we think that? She's the biggest ho-bag ever & a dishonest one. At least Lilo admits she gets it on with chicks. & If Paris doesn't want to be called a lez, maybe she should stay out of their bars & clubs!!
She became lesbo a month ago or so. Her old tricks didn't get her attention anymore. Sadly noone gives a damn about her lesbo adventures either. Yawn.
Like Pete Wentz says "its all fair game above the belt"...he's totally a make-out guy too, with anybody. Which to me is gay. So, w/e.
Whoa, Paris is a bottom!
Eggplant has MAN HANDS!
Ewwwww... :-/
Susan said:
"She's always reminded me of one of those weird goon creatures on the old Popeye cartoons. Anyone remember them?"
ROFL! You're SOOO right!! Paris looks EXACTLY like one of the "Goons" from Popeye!
anonymous said
"ROFL! You're SOOO right!! Paris looks EXACTLY like one of the "Goons" from Popeye!"
I told you LOL!! I tried your link but it didn't work, but thanks anyway.
Sorry that didn't work-- let's try this one:
***If this one doesn't work, go to Google Images and enter: GOONS POPEYE --You'll see a variety of them, but the BEST is "Alice the Goon". She's Paris Hilton's doppleganger!
Oh jeez. For some reason it lopped off the end of the link...
add: E.jpg
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