First there was that story about how ParAss took her new kitty to the vet and forgot to pick it up. The cat has been confiscated and called abandoned. Now she goes on Ellen and talks about her 17 dogs..
I have 17 dogs, yes - lots," she told the open-mouthed chat show host. "They all sleep in my bed - well, not all of them, but I let some of them." Paris said she owned so many dogs because they kept getting pregnant and she thought it was cruel to give the puppies away. "They keep having babies and I feel bad about giving them away," she explained. "If I had a baby and someone gave it away for me, that's mean, I feel bad for my dogs." The former jailbird said she makes sure she takes all her pups out the same number of times, so they all get equal attention. "I trade it off so they don't get jealous," she said. "I'll bring like three out at once." When Ellen asked why she didn't just get the animals neutered, Paris said they had now all been "fixed". "Well, two of them weren't," she later confessed."
She can only legally have 3 dogs where she lives so the claim was investigated, but, her mansion is under construction (she's building a disco in her basement) and the dogs were with animal "handlers"..ummmm, yeah. That means Gramma and Grammpa, right? Anyhow, you're all mean to think someone as important as ParAss should be a responsible pet owner, she barely has time to take phone calls. When Lohan left a peace message with her the other day, ParAss was so busy she had to get her assistant to call The Blow back and leave fart sounds.
A disco in her basement?
Does that mean she'll just keep her drunk-ass shenanigans at home from now on?
Me likee.
It's for after hours parties.
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