I saw that pic on another site and saved it because..look at that fucker! Yeeeeeew. I suppose a pet pig is a, well, a pet. I guess. The only pig I've ever had was a pot bellied thing someone dumped on me. He was black and hairless and humped everyone's leg. I never became fond of him. Anyhow, that pig scares me. And it's a hog. Someone on here thinks I live in Idaho, and I guess it's hard to tell Idaho from Iowa if you aren't American. Idaho has famous potatoes, Iowa has hogs and corn. It's all yucky, you can't even eat the corn, that's for the hogs..and they'd rather eat you. Iowa is full of stories about slow uncle Derby or clumsy cousin Tilda who fell in a hog pen and "got 'et." I don't really know anyone who got eaten by hogs, but, they still scare me.
Lissa is not here this morning and that's weird. She's always here on weekends, but, she has pink eye. Yep, we must be distant relatives of the Federline kids. She told my mom she didn't feel good and had pink eye. My mom said, oh, right. Her mom took her to the doctor and she does. That kid knows everything. Anyhow, she was really sick last night, cried for her mommy, so I called and her mom came over....then she cried for me and didn't want to leave. So, then she cried for her dad who showed up right after she fell asleep, so he left. Then she woke up and cried for Mommy again. Krys finally came and took her home. Poor little kid, she was really feeling bad. Which makes me wonder about that time Britneys kids got pink eye and she was seen driving them around all day and night. I can not imagine putting a kid this sick in a car for hours and hours. That's mean.
Anyhow, it's weird not to wake up with her on Sunday. It's peaceful, but, I don't think I like it. Get well Lissie!
pink eye is HORRIBLE!! I caught from the neighborhood kids a couple years ago (one of the drawbacks of being the neighborhood eccentric kook who the kids gather around) and it took me several MONTHS to fully get over it....i have sensitive eyes and i had a reaction to the medication, had to get other medication, had another reaction, etc etc...
now whenever i hear 'pink eye' i lock myself in a safe room! :)
Gawd, I hope I don't get it.
Poor Little Lissa!! I hope she feels better real soon! I hope you don't get it either...that stuff sucks!
Pink-eye is not fun and anyone can get it. It really is super contagious. It went around my office a few years ago. I caught it but it cleared up in a few days with the medication.
Feel better soon Lissie.
Oh, I remember that hollow feeling when you miss the little ones, even though they're safe somewhere else!
Poor Lissa, feeling sick can sure make you feel sad too. When we had pink eye, we didn't feel sick, just had swollen, scratchy eyes for a few days.
You arent the only one scared of that HUGE nasty hog! Is that man NUTS.
I like pigs. They can be very sweet. I am not afraid of them - had contact to real wild ones for a long time. But I am afraid of dogs. Evil psychos who just wait for the right moment to kill you.
Iowa State Fair blue ribbon winner!
She's even meaner if she just gave birth! Give her what she wants-she'll eat yer ass!
OK...lets just say there is pink eye going around this winter for some reason. I don't live in Iowayyy either. "O..I owe Iwowayy"..anyway...and I know a woman that had a friend that had a baby in high school a long, long time ago. The parents kept her home so nobody would know, it was born dead. The old nasty farmer dad tossed the dead baby in the 'hog lot' with all the slop so the hogs would just eat it! & they did. Thats the worst hog story I know of. This guys house probably smells nice! Gawd almighty! I think there has to be some kind of health code against this.
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