If you call her life a real life..I'm not sure. But, this is why photoshop was invented, right? To make fantasies. Actually, it was invented to fuck with people you don't like, but, everyone likes Nicole. Hey, she survived 10 years with The Little General. That's gonna show on your face.
Nicole looks much older than her actual age. I think she wears her hair all wrong & she does need some color on her skin. That dead-white look looks awful. She needs to jazz it up a bit & be young. She always comes off as very mature. ie: OLD!
now she's into hats cuz she can't get botox while pregnant...
You ladies are breaking my heart. My brother tells me she uses Botox, but I refuse to believe it. She's hot to me in an exotic way, but that top picture will be burned in my muind forever.
she also has old lady little tiny jacked up teeth too.
She is starting to look like scary as Cher and she is only forty..
I would give her the Senior Citizen discount.
Jeez! That bottom photo has been 'shopped into oblivion. If it wasn't for her high forehead, fair skin and hair color, it wouldn't even resemble Nicole!
Why couldn't the 'shopper just STOP at the half-way point and keep things somewhat real?
Wow is really shows in her neck and around the jaw line in that small bulging sag you usually see in more mature faces.
I mean shes still a pretty lady but I agree shes looking older then her years, at least in that picture!
Why would she start using botox before 40!? Theres no where to go after that other then surgery!
Once you start f'g with Botox it's a train outta control! Haven't you ever noticed the lumpy, bulgy faces on the stars? I have noticed that after a time, the Botox starts to almost scar them with lumps & unsightly bulges where they've had the injections. This is a fairly new procedure & not enough years have passed to be able to show the actual results of using it for a long time. I feel like it is more damaging then it is helpful. At 1st it tricks you, but you keep going back for more & thats when it eff's you up.
Are you sure that last photo has gone through the Shop? Might be simply an older pic of Nicole.
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